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  • Sorry I missed your birthday, I was out of town for My wife and I's 10th wedding anniversary. I hope you had a great day.

    I thought that food, folks & fun would be appropriate :present:
    :pepsi::cake: :Banane57::drum::dancing2:
    Happy Birthday Dbee sorry I could not give you Birthday reps! I tried but the REP Police (NAZIS) said no way!
    HAPPY BDAY DBEE!!!! Hope you have a great day. (sorry, I have no idea how to start a bday thread)
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEB!!! :cheer2: :birthday: :cocktail: :present: :party: :beercheer: :thrasher: Hope you have a wonderful day filled with good times, good food and good friends! :kiss:
    i have just joined spoofee and saw that u have been helping others with ur posts. can u pls invite me to ideeli.com .
    Before I go to bed, Deb, I want to wish you sweet dreams on your pre-birthday night and wishing you wake up to a beautiful morning full of happy wishes and wonderful surprises. Nighty night, my friend, Apple :)
    Hey you, sorry to be around so little! I have been so sick, surgery is coming up again for me so I should be feeling better after this last one, at least that's what the doc tells me, yuk yuk yuk, I hate being sick, anyhow, sorry to be such a bad e-friend!!! I am sure I will be around more soon! HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRIEND!
    I love the "comment" you left as rep - - it's like my very own broadway show! :thumb:
    Have a wonderful time at the casino and concert! love the comp, we save them up in Shreveport then have the kids meet us over there. We both a free room (really luxurious rooms) so the kids can stay in one and us the other and then we have the comps for the buffet which is really a good one. Lot of fun and for 4 it's a pretty cheap weekend unless dh gets carried away gambling, he usually just spends what he planned on tho. neither of the kids are crazy about gambling either so we usually end up watching a new release on pay per view. Hope you get lucky again and bring home the bucks!
    Hey Dbee...I am here in and out. I have been very busy with work and have also been dealing with some computer issues so I haven't been able to get on much. I saw your vacation pics...looks like you had a blast~ You should of shoved me in your suitcase..We have over 8 inches of snow here so a sunny beach is what I need. Thanks for checking in. Hopefully I can get on here more once work slows down.
    omg!!! u went on a cruise? how awesome is that!!!! did u have a blast? omg!! so kewl!! ima gonna look at ur pics now!
    oh I love leaving with some of their money! wtg! lol well even if it was our anniversary you certainly would of been welcome to join us for dinner but umm since we shared a ribeye not sure it would of been enough to make the trip worth it. Whenever I see my friend in Tx we go out to a nice dinner, we both like prime rib, and we both order something different or I'll just order a side of shrimp or something last time it was umm the shrimp in butter, minds a blank, and she ordered the prime rib and we just shared. I love that cuz I always feel so guilty about not being able to eat much, seems like such a waste to take me out to dinner.
    we've been on many cruises. Some ports are great some are not. Alaska was great. I loved the glaciers. For our 40th anniversary (2011) we want to take our kids and spouses on a cruise(NO MORE PARTIES)hopefully we can coordinate it!!
    We leave feb 27th for 2 weeks to southern carib. on the Grand Princess. We will go 2 days early and stay in Ft Lauderdale for 2 days. When we get back, we rented a car and will drive up to Port St Lucie and stay about 2 weeks. DH's Uncle lives there and he asked us if we would drive his car to NY , so we will make a few stops on the way. Looking forward to it. And tell me about your trip
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