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  • Hi hope you had a wonderful Christmas Deb! :hug: Mine was terrific both the kids were home got here Christmas morning and didn't have to leave until Sunday! Hope you have a very Happy New Year a safe and fun one. Hope that 2009 brings you and your family many blessings!
    Hi! How have you been? I hope your holidays were good.

    My little cup-cake :baby: did not come to see me as his daddy was on the naughty list and they could not travel :nonod:

    Have a fun, safe and happy new year
    I hope you had a great Christmas, Deb! :hugs: 10 days is almost up, I can't wait until you get back! :boogy:
    Hey dbee, I know your not home, but I wanted to wish you & your family a very blessed & Merry Christmas. See ya when you get back!!!
    Hey, dbee. Where are you off to? Somewhere warm??? You got a lot of snow-me too. A chilly 12 degrees right now. And another storm tomorrow.
    Where ever and what ever-I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas filled with love and warmth in the heart-and lots of presents!!! See ya when you get back. Apple:seeya:
    :mmph::noidea::stupido:Apparently, I am REALLY bad at posting stuff but I don't think you can help me with that!!:mmph:: I think from now on I will stop trying to contribute and just enjoy all the stuff everyone else finds!!:trytofly::teeth: I love all the smilys!!- I am easily ammused. I just found this one-:preggers: Thanks:hug:
    :lollypop: No- you didn't ramble!! You were a big help, I would have done each one individually if you hadn't said anything. Thanks again!!
    I wish I had it!! I am ready to be done, but the baby isn't. I will find out Jan 7th if it a boy or girl. I can't wait. I love the smiley with the paci. Where do you guys get all the smileys? I must be missing them!!
    Good morning! I don't know why I can't rep certain folks, but, it is annoying to me! ARGGHHH!! Hope you and yours are healthy and happy and not to stressed out from the holiday maddness. We are going "low key" here this year, and, I couldn't be happier! Besides, Mom and I came on home sick so there isn't enough of "spit" between us to get up and running around! Have a good one!
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