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  • Hey DBee - THANKS SO MUCH for the great BDay wishes. It really made my day :). Thanks again! Lisa
    ah yes...you never asked about my super powers...:wink: I havent had a flash yet so I can't properly compare, but I am thinking a "flash" is better than a "Cramp".............time will tell.........
    I just can't stay away. No matter how much real life tries to take up all my time. :)
    Cramps DO suck! I hope you feel better soon! When I am not on bc, my cramps can make me bend bars of steel! :hug:
    Hello, we are still around just not that much right now. Still trying to figure out the cause of Babs' daily chronic headaches. :prey:
    Hey, just wanted you to know I haven't been on The Rep Game for days and was SURE I'd be able to get you but :( What up with that??????????? You seem impossible for me to rep. But you know my heart is there. :) TeHee!!!
    bzzzzzzzzzzzzed I am!! HelloOOOOoooooo!!! I wa stryin to rep ya but it wouldnt let me so I came here to say hi!!! HI my flower friend!!!! I have beer...want one? I also have an icestorm....beer is a good way to pass the time...stupid ice knocked out the tv and intranet haha I sed intranet....I should stop writing now huh>> I probably wont though...did I say hellOOOOOooooOO??

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    http://www.provenwinners.com/winners...?winnerscircle---This is a post by glitterdog. Check it out.
    Thanks for the rep, love your comments :) I just looked at your vacation pix, I just have 1 thing to say...Can I go with you next time ??? I can be really quiet (when I have to) , so you wouldn't know I was there :)
    I wasnt flipping the bird, just testing those smilies and see what people comes up with
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