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  • :jaw: OMG NOT YOU TOO !
    Have you found something better to do than spoofee :censored: :smokin:
    or did you find somewhere better to go :eating: :cheers: :dancing2:
    :director: Do I need to send out a search party :plane: :captain: :car:
    Is it time? Where is that thread that I need my "ticket" to get into??? I am about to pour me a "ticket". TeHee!!!
    :crossarm: I'm going over to facebook :mezmorized: no one wants to play with me :ahhhhh:
    Hey, dbee. I am just finding a message I sent to YOU on MY page from a little ways back. So go there and read it!!!! HaHaHa!!
    You be A bad influence....when I readed your message i had to run to the firewater store and get me stuff to make white russians!!
    Yeah, what is with the point disappearing? Why dont you :spy: investigate....
    Oh, and the conversation between you and Madonna scares me......:bolt:
    What is a mystery rep? Your new siggy is vulgar by the way - but very intriguing...lol :wink:
    :doh: No f*ing way!:hug:you are the best wh*** in the world :kiss::thefinger:

    :thinking: Thank you for the lovely compliment! :wink:
    For all of you that inquired.....No! I would prefer that Madonna had more friends :listen: I want her to feel good :hug:
    This is where the story gets good......

    That is when I sent Pat the invite. Impatient little ol me couldn't wait for Pat to play the game so I decided to go on a road trip. yep, thats right. a road trip to Pats house (by the way, she lives quite a distance from me). I pulled up in front of her house, approached the door & knocked. She answered the door and I said to her - PAT PLAY THE GAME! JUST PLAY THE STUPID GAME! GO TO YOUR COMPUTER RIGHT NOW! SIGN ON! GO TO SPOOFEE! NOW PLAY THE GAME! I AM MAKING YOU! Then I went back outside, got in my car & drove all the way home.
    Whoa back up a few steps Pat! -->Thanks for sending me a message about the Rep Game. Blame everything on Madonna! She made me do it <--

    If you are going to tell a story at least tell the whole story. You see dbee it was like this......I thought to myself ~ self, who can I aggrevate on spoofee? who is it that will be totally confused? who can I send a game invite to? who is silly enough to take the bait? who in their not-so-right mind will actually fall for this? who? who? who???????????? Aha! I know, PAT!

    ***continued on the message above***
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