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  • What a day I am having...
    I just took :baby: to a parade & it started to :rain: The weather was nice when I left my house. The storm was suppose to hit later this evening but it arrived early and came in so fast. I did not have an :umbrella: but :baby: stayed dry in the stroller because of the awning on it.
    I like your FYI site. I am a novice so I don't know much about the internet, But I am learning.
    No baby yet. We had a bleeding scare this past Wednesday, but all seems to be ok. We found out i'll be induced at 38 weeks, so that's about 4 weeks away...AHH!!!
    :yikes: It takes me about an hour :bored: to wake up :sleep: enough to act civilized.

    :tsk: :boring: :motz: <=== :mad:onna in the morning
    I do not have any children. I do come in contact with them though and I love them.
    How did the games turn out snapple?----
    Not so good. We took 1 out of the three. But there is still time. You have a great day too. :)
    Hi, hunny-bee! I see you are on site and wanted to say hi. I am just checking in but gutta fly. The Celtics, the Bruins, AND the Sox are ALL on right now and I am going nuts. You know I love my sports. Chat later.:loving:
    I can't take my moms out, she has to work.I am off work the weekend. Have lots of mothers day cards to mail. By the way if you are a mom Happy Mothers Day to ya! If you have you have nieces or nephews in your life, you are still mom material.
    working much too hard need a vacation. hope to have some me time. What do you have plan for the weekend?
    Hi dbee. I'm going out for cinco de mayo, are you doing anything? Hope all is well
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