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  • Hey back at ya dbee :teeth:. Sorry haven't communicated in awhile. It's either feast or famine being self-employed and it has definitely been FEASTING time lately. Hopefully I can slack back to less than 12 hr days soon and spend some time here again. Looks like I been missing out on some stuff.
    I posted a message to you on the "comments that have nothing to do with etc". Its the last page. Its about your sheepherding video . I thought it was funny:)
    what's up missy? Finally getting some warm weather. Chi- Town is in the 70"s!!
    MMMM did somebody say kolaches??? I like to make them w/ apricot. I would send you some, but I don't think they travel well. ;)
    That be right. The Amish People here in Iowa make them also. I fill mine with strawberry, grape, apricot,etc. You can put anything in them.
    I am good. Finally I have a few nice days in a row. The garden is drying up almost to the point where I can get into it and play in the dirt.
    Are you avoiding me :bawling: It seems that everytime that I come here that you just left. I feel as though I am following you :spy:
    :director: MARCO

    yep I'm still here. I know what you mean about being lazy, I have sooo much to do but would rather take a nap instead!! I have been having trouble trying to get my email to come up. It keeps telling me that I have no cookies. Working fine one day and now I probably have 900 emails!! Oh well I guess I will figure it out someday!! Talk to you later,
    LOL yes I have 3 of em and they all have fur...the lone sweet man of the brood (teddy) and my lovable b!tchs, queen of the house (emma) and my adorable lil runt kitty with the tiny lil legs (maggie)
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