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  • I finally got to :hug: you and guess what? I flipped you :thefinger: Reputation: 80628 :woot:


    :pound: :pound:
    It doesn't matter what you post, SHE will hijack it!!! Referring to "how'd ja do it?" Any chance to flirt with a male....ya, I am talking about YOU!!!! You know who, dbee.
    No date set yet, but we're thinking either the 8th or 9th of June....hopefully we'll find out the date soon. :)
    Thanks but i won't be going.. too ill..called my daughter and she has to work so I received a call from her future mother in law Teresa and she's coming here to pickup the tickets! $160.00 down the drain! But it beats giving it to family then a stranger who might try and sell them. but thanks for wishing me well . figures it's my birthday and mother's day all in one and i'm sick as a dog.
    Can't get much worse.
    Thanks again for the good wishes.
    So far my day has been just ok. Here is why:
    It is a dark, dreary chilly day, I had to get up at 5am to work 4 hours, I am going through :baby: withdrawals, my :gnorsi: army son in 1000 miles away and my :hippie: son is not coming here til this evening.

    Today is my turn to have no energy :ohwell: Talk to you later. Have a great day!

    :brick: :rofl:

    Hey gal been sick as a dog! Vertigo hitting me hard and missing work..haven't been online much lately. feeling sick on b-day is no fun! :*( But gotta get rest to go see Wicked the broadway production here in town..tonights last night for it and i'm going if it kills me.. hubby bought me the tickets.;-) chat later..luv and miss ya...
    You have too much energy :willy_nilly:
    STOP IT :girlsmack:
    you are making me look bad :faint:
    I debated on whether or not to wake :baby: from his nap. I decided to because the parade was just 5 houses away. The marching bands :drum: police & fire truck sirens would have startled him if they woke him.

    How have you been :hugs:
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