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  • I am so happy...my 19 year old actually came to me for help!

    I never owned an electric can opener before -I always used the old hand cranker type :lol: Since he lives in the dorm 8 months of the year, I bought him an electric can opener (7 months ago) for his birthday so he can eat in his room :rofl:

    he just came home for the summer and told me it was broken so I looked at it. it is not broken...he just needed a lesson how to use it properly :pound:

    I paid for him to attend a state college for 4 semesters, get an AAS and he cannot figure out a simple can opener - men :brick: :rofl: :pound:
    DIL and :baby: are about half way home...and the frigging car died! They are in the middle of tim-buk-tu! Hubby managed to get them to a hotel for the night. UGH
    Who is that adorable baby???
    I see you are on the avatar site? Is it worth checking out?
    And, who will hit 10000 1st????
    I would have left the weeds, driveway and grass. I leave certain things for hubby to do and will just leave it for him to deal with no matter how long it takes. Too bad if the mower keeps stalling in knee high grass! Too bad if it interferes with other plans! :thefinger:

    Frankly my dear, I don't give a dam <== my attitude, LOL
    I did 4 hours of gardening at work today! I think my manager knew that gardening would be relaxing for me... she is the best :first:

    oh...I'm sorry, I made a mistake ==> you are the best :first: she is :second:
    When I give :hugs: I have a method...I start at the end and work my way up the page. Everytime a :hug: is given, I start at the end again. It really sucks when I end up going back several pages... it takes forever to find people. Eventually I give up and go to other threads & give random :hugs: to people with 25 rep points :brick::rofl:
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