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  • I would have to :hahaha: if I wore them to work :puke: & the next time I worked they :ack: :der: :loco: :dizzy: :nerd: :yuck: were all wearing them cuz they really like them!
    :rofl: :pound:
    The way that I am looking at it....
    They are hideous BUT I plan to wear them to work, do you think THEY will mind :pound:
    Yesterday was good - but is the beach ever bad? It was funny - right as we got there a rain shower came thru. Kesler stood on the beach screaming with happiness! I laughed so hard. The rain was cold. You can come to the beach anytime....just jump in your :car: and let's go!

    Oh and there is no reason to get ugly young lady :toetap05:
    There is no need :nono: to get ugly about :hug:!!!! Everytime I :hug: I start with YOU and it doesnt always let me! :tongue:
    Good Morning, my friend. Haven't chatted for awhile. Sorry. :( What have you got planned for the day? I will be attending the parade and then a dedication to a new memorial to be unveiled on our town common to our two hometown fallen soldiers. I'll send you pictures.
    Have a fun day, dbee. Apple
    It was the booty, but not a booty call...he knows better, I'm 42...you want summa this your gonna wine and dine my arse...he was callin to tell me he could work on my car today and we got to chit chattin'...you were up EARLY
    I am sorry...I got a phone call and its impossible to talk on the phone and have cocktails and talk online...I'm sorry I made ya cry my lil bee...I'm glad your china cabnet found a new home...and I hope you had a good night!! *hugs* (I'm too buzzed to look for smileys)
    garden's doing good, I haven't had time to add pictures but it's good thanks. I understand what you are saying about the dressers you have. The china cabinet just found it's new home in the master bedroom. I keep working and then I check back to see you if you are still here.
    Ohhhhh sounds like a very special piece of furniture!! I have a tiny lil house and I have my moms 2 dressers and my gmas 2 dressers...I have dressers in the front room as furniture cause I refuse to get rid of the...I have a vodka and juice right now (had a shot first)so I am started...how is your garden??
    I need to rearrange furniture but as long as I don't i wont turn on the a/c and i want soooo bad to make it ONE year to june before I turn it on...didja find yer tape measure?I'm gonna go get a drink...my sammich settled...
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