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  • I'm thinning my bushes out today...lol. I HATE pulling weed that get in the rose bushes. :yell:
    I bought Ambe a trampoline for her birthday and I just put it together (w/ help) and now my hands are real sore. Yeah, it is a tad chilly today, bt it's sunny so I won't complain. What are you doing today?
    moi:questionmark: staying out of trouble:questionmark: NEVER!!!! sitting here surfing sipping my mojito! have a great weekend dbee!
    If you have a memory card in your phone and a memory card reader for your computer you can just pop it out of your camera and into the reader. I don't have a reader so I have to forward pictures to my online album and save them from there.
    It IS a lot of work. Lately I've been taking more pictures w/ my camera phone and it would b awesome to just upload them instead of sending them to my email to save to this laptop (my desktop is still broken). It's all a giant pain in the butt. Have fun trimming those bushes. ;)
    I'm uploading pics from my phone, but all of the sudden it won't let me do it. It says I need a confirmation code. I requested it, I guess 5 times. It never sent the code to my phone and then all of the sudden I got the same code 5 times. It was like 2 weeks later. When I entered the code it said it had expired. When I sent another request for a new code it tells me I have exceeded my 5 requests. I sent them an email. I'll have to forward it because I can't remember what it said, but it sounds like I won't be uploading anytime soon. :(
    Go to my home page and look at the picture on the cover of grandmas pictures. :baby: is sitting on the potty chair :lol: he peed twice on the big potty and once on the little potty chair :rofl: he was all proud of himself :pound: I just hope it is this easy when he is actually ready to be potty trained :toilet:
    I'm waiting on some new pics from you. I have some beautiful clematis up front. I'm going to post them to FB if I can ever get my confirmation code.
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