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  • :yesnod: I enjoy work :confused: most of the time. I've been at the same place for 25 years :eek:

    Do you work at a local city library? :noidea:

    :rofl: You are right, by the time I read this, it wasn't Friday anymore :faint2:

    Keep riding GF :bike:

    I'm off to work :wave:
    :wavey:Hi It is starring Angelina Jolie. She is a CIA agent set up for a crime. I hope you have a fun weekend!!!:yesnod::boogy:
    :nonod:No special causes just doing it for health and fun. I haven't been:boogy:. Only around my place. I want to see the movie Salt. I don't know when I will have some free time for that.:thinking::ohwell::unsure:
    Ha.....you caught me up late! I'm getting off now and going to take a shower before bed. I was drawn to answer some of the quizzes before getting offline. Have a good night, sweetie.
    Hi Daisy! Yep, I've been staying out of trouble :teeth:. Hope you have an exciting weekend.
    We are walking for an hour it is about 5 miles. We walk at a school. It has a track. I have invited some of my coworkers I hope they come. We all live near the school, so it is convenient for us.:yesnod: I hope you have fun with friends.:angel::boogy:
    :wave: Howdy :yo:

    Did I ever tell you that I work at a Hairsalon, and cut hair? :unsure:

    I usually start at noon also :faint:

    I'm so glad it's Friday :cheers:

    Have a great weekend :yesnod: and get some miles in on the :bike: for me :bounce:
    Hey!!! Whats going on with you this weekend. I hope you don't work all weekend.:nonod::boogy:
    :yesnod:Nice avatar!!!:clap: My mom is doing just well!! She doesn't go back to work until July!!!:peace: I am glad she gets a lot of time to rest.:yesnod:I am going out for a walk a thon with my weight watcher friends saturday. It is suppose to be 90 degrees. I have to make sure I dress light and have sunscreen and lots of water!!!::angel:
    Hi sweetie :hello: The picnic was fun. The weather was perfect. Chicago has gotten rain all day today:rant: Tomorrow , its suppose to be 78-80 degrees.:clap: My schedule is not too bad. I still have wekends off. Monday and Fridays I finish at 1PM (afternoon) Tues-Thrus I work until 5:30PM. NO SCHOOL KIDS after next week!!!!:yesnod: :target::target:
    I hope that you were able to ride your bike this weekend :teeth:

    We had a decent day yesterday :yesnod:

    Today is kinda crazy :loco: chilly and cloudy

    I know what you mean about this place changing :argh: It used to be so much fun :woot:
    :nonod: it's sure not like that anymore :sad:

    I"m off today and hope to finish trimming the bushes and working in the yard :ack:
    :jaw: Hi I didn't think anyone would be up besides me!!!:) You have a good day as well.:peace: I hope you don't work too hard today!! I will send you some BBQ.:)
    It's about to :rainme: again :woot:

    :cheer2: It's easy to get rid of my BF, he loves to :fish2: and snowmobile :yesnod:
    So, since his BF has a place around 3 1/2 hours away, they love to go there as much as possible.

    :listen: especially when his friend can leave his wife and 3 kids at home :doh:

    Have you been on here much lately? :nonod: Not me, I just check in for words to the points & prizes and that's about it. :unsure:
    :clap:Thank you sweetie!! :clap::yesnod:I greatly appreciate it:) I hope all is well with you and the girls. I was just invited to a picnic/ graduation party for my friends daughter. i will probably go by the park to celebrate her tomorrow afternoon. i hope you enjoy your weekend::angel:
    She is still recovering. I will call her tomorrow to check on her. I usually call at the end of the week.:):yesnod:
    I pick my summer schedule Sunday. I also have a walk a thon 4pm Sunday. Saturday I am not quite sure what I will be doing. How about you do you have any exciting plans for the weekend?
    Hi sweetie, work is work. School is getting out for the summer. :clap::boogy: I can't wait!!!:yesnod: No school kids until September. I pick my new schedule for the summer Sunday. How about you? Do you have summer hours like chicago has? I got my library card . I love it!!:peace: It is like a credit card with my picture on it . It is soo cool!!!:clap:
    :wave: Hi there daisy :smiley:

    The weather was great this weekend and I was happy to have rain yesterday :unsure:

    :hugs: Congrats on your graduation and PreK acceptance :woot:

    I've been doing well :teeth: Had a nice quiet weekend and didn't do much :noidea:

    My BF went away for a few days and should be back this afternoon, :faint: so that made the weekend good :rofl:

    Have a great day :kiss:
    Hi sweetie. I had a prewalk with my weight watcher girls. We have a walk a thon June 13. We had a trial walk Saturday. We will have another one June 6. I got a chance to see my cousin in from Atlanta. :):yesnod:My mom is doing well. The stitches came out. She is still sore.:sad: But she is getting better every day. We celebrated the hoilday Sunday. I have rested today. :boogy: I am glad you survived the graduation!!!:yesnod::clap:
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