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  • Hi sweetie sorry I missed you. Haven't been able to stay on long. I have a busy weekend. :argh: Have you decided on what you will do this weekend? :thinking::unsure:
    :clap::rockon::star:After Friday, I am off until Tuesday as well!!! I get to see some fireworks in Indiana Sunday evening. Munster, Ind. It is only 15 min away from me.:boogy:I hope you and the girls have some great plans.:yesnod::rapture:
    :star::wave:Hi sweetie!!! I will have BBQ this weekend. My co worker is having a party. :boogy: I hope you enjoy your holiday:yesnod:
    :hello::dance:My Sunday School class is a continuation:yesnod: I will be on this curriculum for a year, or until the end of this year. I have a meeting after Church. I probably will not be home until 6:30 0r 7:00pm. It is a long day because I am at church from 8am to 6pm. :yesnod::) I hope you have a good day with your girls today!!!:angel:
    :hello::lollypop: Hi ya Missy!!! I will go see my family today> My Mother is cleared for work after the holiday. She doesn't have to work weekends anymore:clap::yesnod:I am happy about that. I probably try to relax this weekend. I have a long day at church tomorrow.:peace:
    :yesnod: First week of my new schedule. It was a little busy. Downtown has reroutes due to the Taste of Chicago!!!:argh::nonod:The traffic was horrible:rant: The Taste runs through the 4th of July. What are your plans for the holiday? I will see some fireworks in Indiana:):yesnod:
    :rainme::rainme: Rain, rain go away come back another day. Chiacgo had alot of flooding. Many places lost power. Some people still don't have any electricity:nonod::rant::cry: I am ok. I got home just in time. I was told the drivers on the expressway had to pull over or hide under a viaduct. You said you had flooding.:argh: You Must stay close to the library. I would love being closer to home.:yesnod::)
    :clap::lol:I love the picture!!!! So far I have not picked up any school kids. I was told school starts early for so students. Chicago has a all around school session. Some classes start as early as August the 9th.:argh::rant::yesnod: The weather has been good. Yet, Chiacgo is experiencing some :rainme: How is it on your side of town?:)
    :wave: rhon told you posted some good jokes :rofl: I'm on my way to check them out :vroam:

    I hope you are enjoying your summer :yesnod:
    :hug: I have a lot of errands to do this week as usual. Hopefully, I'll go out the dinner tonight (take a break from the kitchen). Have fun this week, daisy, and enjoy the summer weather...hope it's not too hot where you are.
    :wave::yo:I am glad you enjoyed your movie. The Sunday School class I attend is called Foundations- it is a teaching on the bible(God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Heaven, Hell,Salvation,) It is very interesting I am learning alot:yesnod: I hope you are enjoying your day. I hope you did not work too hard.:nonod:
    HEY Daisy! I've been okay...trying to catch up with some chores today and checking in here. It feels like summer with this heat...weird weather because the other day it was pretty cool out. How about you...are you doing well? Hope your weekend is totally perfect.
    I hope you and your girls have fun!!!:boogy::yesnod:The weather was beautiful yesterday!!!:clap:My walk was not as long as I wanted it to be. The lady walking with me was a bit under the weather.:sad:I only got 45 mins. in. MY parents and I went to OutRiggers. It is a seafood resturant. It is better than Red lobster.:shhh: Today I am going to church. I have a Sunday School Class I love to attend.:yesnod: I hope you have a wonderful Sunday!!!:peace:
    :rainme:Chicago got hit with alot of rain. The trees were damaged. I was:prey:that my unit didnot have any trees damaged. We just suffered no :nonod:electricity for a while. :yesnod:I will be walking again today.We have decided to walk every Saturday. I am going out for dinner with my parents this evening. A Fathers Day celebration for my Dad.:):yesnod: What are your plans this weekend?
    :clap::pound::rofl:Sweetie you were on a roll, your jokes are too funny!!!:lol:
    :wave::lollypop:Hi sweetie, I hope you didn't burn too bad!!:nonod: My schedule does change in the fall. the school schedules are added.:cry:That is what makes a difference in my summer schdule and my fall schedule. The company I work for makes allowance for the schools.:argh:
    :music::boogy:HI sweetie!! I hope you are well.:) My new schedule doesn't start util Sunday. This is my last week on the winter pick. We are starting the summer pick Sunday.:yesnod:The summer pick last until September--Labor day week to be exact.:yesnod:
    :wavey:Hi sweetie!!! The walk was great!!!:boogy:We took pictures. Whenwe finished it started to rain!!:cry:We still had a good walk. We will be walking every weekend.:)I am pretty excited about it. The weather permit:clap:We will be outside.I hope all is well with you. I heard you played frisbee in the rain.:yesnod:Sounds like fun. My weekend will be kinda quiet, I hope:prey:I hope you have plans this weekend.:lol:
    You WERE up late!!! Hope you ended up catching some rest after work. It hasn't been hot here at all lately, just rainy :rainme: and cool all weekend. Have a great week, daisy! :wavey:
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