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  • :yikes: A month :faint2: That's a long time. No wonder you keep riding your :bike:

    :blushing: I have a few friends that call my car the short bus :smiley:

    No plans as of yet for this weekend, working today and need to get ready to get out of here. :cry:

    What are you plans:questionmark:
    :nonod::cry: Just relaxing. I will do my work out routine, then I will probably clean up at home. I have a new vacuum I need to try out. My parents brought it for me:loving::) They surprised me.:yesnod::clap: I will probably find out when my cousin will be over my moms' house. I have to see her before she leaves.:peace: How about you ? Are you getting rain like us? It rained all evening.:argh: It is raining now!!!:yesnod:
    :glasses: I hear you about summer going way to fast :argh:

    You don't have any vehicle right now? :sad:

    Do you want a little yellow short bus:rofl:
    :pound: I think I have plenty of cousins to fill that spot!!!:yesnod:Did your van let you down?:sad::yesnod: What kind of car are you looking for?:thinking:I love the picture. :clap: Any picture of your girls is great!!!:clap::):boogy:
    :unsure: I'm still waiting for the dealership to get the car :motz: It's coming for a dealership farther away.

    It poured here for a little while today :sad: when I was about to get out of my car to meet some GF's for a :cocktail:

    Life's been treating me :noidea: pretty fair :mad: could be better could be worse.

    :yesnod: How are things going with you:questionmark:

    How are all the kiddies doing :questionmark:
    :jaw:Wow!! 106!!! Have you been swimming? I hope you enjoyed your day off.:clap::yesnod: The window is fine. I had to have a new handle placed on my screen door. :) I don't have any plans right at the moment. My cousin is visiting from Virgina. Her father is moving and she is helping him get things in order. In case you're wondering, I jave lots of cousins. It makes up for being an only child.:lol:
    :hugs::ciao: Hi Daisy, How are you doing? I hope you are not working too hard.:nonod: Have any plans for this weekend?:yesnod:
    :yesnod: I found a car and it's on it's way to where my friends works :eek:

    I should have it by the end of next week :faint2:

    Still working at cleaning my old car from top to bottom :zzz:

    We could use more rain here also :rainme: but it's nice being able to work in the driveway and yard again :teeth:
    :pound::target: I will have a new route, but just about all the routes have school trips in them. I will not be able to avoid any school kids.:argh: As a matter of fact, I have on school trip now. I have not done it because the kids are out when i go to the school. I will have to go in two weeks. The school is catholic. They return earlier than the public schools.:rant::yesnod::nonod:
    :heeeelllllooooo::willy_nilly: I am trying not to get stressed.:yesnod: My coworkers drove me in to a frenzy this afternoon. I could not wait to get home.:argh: How are you doing? Have you started preparing your girls for the school season? I see the stores have all the school supplies on sale!!!:) Chicagos' school session starts August the 9th and the 23rd. TheHigh school start Sept after Labor day.:lol:
    I just read one post when you mentioned you were looking for a car :behindsofa: I wasn't really stalking you

    Did I mention that I have a 2001 Ford escape that's yellow?:yikes:
    I guess with kids it might be too small, but it's a perfect size for me and all my Homedepot trips :teeth:
    Do you enjoy driving a minivan? :driver:

    I think down inside I would like to be married :unsure: but right now, it's fine that I'm not. :rant: We have our issues and it's nice to know that I can walk away :sad:

    :rainme: we had a little rain last night :yesnod:
    Be careful out there on that :bike: We don't need you dropping out on us from heat exhaustion.
    :hello::horn:Hi sweetie!!! Yes:yesnod:The traffic was awful. The buses were rerouted. The cars were reroutes also. Friday, I didnot have to do the reroute:yesnod::clap: I may have to do it tomorrow morning. The streets open up at 5am. :boogy: I did kill all the flies, I have to call management. They have to send maintenance out to fix the screen. I also have to have my screen door fix. the handle came completely off when I came home this afternoon :argh::rant: Things start to happen after I have been in this place for 4 months.:cry: I don't have to pay for anything, its just a problem calling and having someone come out.
    :hugs::rock:Hi sweetie. I hope all is well with you. Are you keeping cool? :argh:I have kill 3 flies in my apartment. :rant:I don't like flies. I found out I have a screen cut. I have to have it repaired. The flies are coming through the screen.:argh::yesnod:
    :spy: Yep, I'm stalking you :rofl:

    What kind of car are you looking for? :driver:

    I need to clean my car up and start trying to sell it :argh:

    I'm looking to get a Ford Escape :cheer2:

    I have one now, but it's getting old :crutch:
    :yikes: almost 14 years :faint: sounds like my story, but without the kids :eek:
    Stalker alert :yikes:

    Are you looking for a new car:driver:

    I'm getting my ready to sell mine and looking for a new one :hurray:
    :yesnod: they are lovely :teeth:

    So, :confused: are you helping out at the library? :unsure:

    We had a short storm tonight :smiley: I still would love for the temps to drop
    106 for you yesterday....that would totally suck :argh:

    As of right now, this weekend looks pretty quiet...but it always does cuz my BF doesn't like to commit to anything ahead of time :confused:

    Maybe that's why we are still BF and GF...no commitment :date: 13 years +

    Do you have anything going on this weekend :party::questionmark:
    I heard they upgraded here again :thefinger:

    No wonder I couldn't get your messages for 3 days :faint:

    What's the summer reading program? I never take the time to read :blushing:

    Sorry to hear about your skeeters, they suck:mmph:
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