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  • So now what else do you need to do to get the girls ready for school? Do you have all girls?

    I was supposed to do all the errands on Thursday, but changed plans and did them with my mom on Friday instead. Ended up going to the bank, Walgreens, the grocery store, and a quick bite to eat...fun, ha? Didn't have time to drive to the mall to look at clothes...that will have to wait until next week. This Saturday/Sunday I have a lot to do around the house as always :washing:...so nothing exciting happening here :cry:. What's going on for your weekend?
    You must be done registering your kids for school now...hope all went well. Yes!...Take advantage of tax-free week cause every bit helps. I have to do some clothes shopping tomorrow and to run errands and grocery shop...I don't think I can get all this done in 6 hours, but I'll give it a try :driver:. Have a great week, too...:angel:
    :wavey::five:Hi sweetie, I have to take my car in Friday after work for repairs.:yesnod: I aw still trying to see the movie SALT. I will try this weekend.:lol: I know you know about the school tax credit hoilday. :yesnod: Someone sent me info via email. I made some copies for some of my coworkers who have kids. I hope all that shopping and registering don't tired you out. :faint2: I ghave a school route on my afternoon trip. Next week I have to do it since the kids will start school.:yesnod: Have a good day.:)
    Sure, you can loan me a couple of your kids...take a load off! :teeth: You must be pretty busy getting your kids ready for school. Now is like rush time to get supplies and clothes and all that stuff ready. I remember when I went to high school school, we started after Labor Day, but these days kids start school near the end of August. Anyway, summer has been okay...could be better, tho. Have a nice week, daisy.
    :dance: Hi sweetie, I did not have an exciting weekend. :nonod: I just did a lot of cleaning. Also, :washing: and cooking. This is my last week of :peace:. The schools are in their first session starting next Monday. :motz::rant: I hope you have a good work week. :yesnod::)
    No luck yet with the old :car: :cry:

    I :heart: the new one, but keep driving the old one :faint2:

    I actually parked the old one at my work today and left it there ovenight :eek: I hope it's alright there :noidea:

    Just did some dead heading in the yard and I"m working my way inside :creep:
    I am home getting prepared for my week of work. :sad: my weekend went by fast.:yesnod: I cooked some cabbage and cornbread. I will fix some pasta. It will last for the week. :yesnod: How was your weekend?:)
    Just being a Mom is a full time job :yikes:

    I'm still trying to sell my old :car:

    :woot: I got my new one yesterday :cheer2:
    :juggle::vroam:Hi sweetie, I think I am being domesticated. Today I am cooking my Sunday dinner. I hope you are enjoying your Saturday. did you work today?:)
    :wave::lollypop: Hi Daisy!!ITS FRIDAY!!! :boogy: :hurray: Have you started partying yet? I am cleaning up my apartment. Needs some dusting and mopping.:yesnod: I just finished :washing: I hope you enjoy your weekend!!!:)
    :hello: Daisy, last weekend I went out Friday night to dinner at a local tavern in town. The rest of the weekend was uneventful since I was feeling nauseous for a few days :ack:. To answer your question...I don't have kids, but maybe some day I will. So far, my sis is the only sibling of mine who has kids. Do you have anything planned for the summer before your kids go back to school? I don't have any big plans for August, but hopefully will drive down to the ocean in September when the crowds are gone :captain:. Enjoy your week...OMG, it's Friday already?!?...the week flew by.
    What do I do for fun :unsure:

    I like to garden :flowers:

    I like to :cheers:

    I go to the casino :money:

    I go to the gym 5 days a week :teeth:

    I guess I'm kinda boring :sad:

    What do you do for fun :questionmark:
    :cry::rant::nonod:NO SCHOOL KIDS!!!! I have to deal with school kids next week. They start back August 6th. The next session is August 23rd. The last one is Sept 6th. I have some days off that week. It's my job anniversary.:yesnod: Iusually awake about 2:30 am or 3am. I am a early bird!!!:):yesnod::boogy:
    I am catching up on some programs I missed this week. I have to go :sleep: at 10pm. Are you ready for another week of work?:nonod::ohwell:
    :hug::ciao::girlhi:The rain cleared up today. 84 degrees and sunny.:lol::yesnodCarmen and Orpheus are both black films.:yesnod:Carmen is a muscial with Dorothy Dandrige and Harry Belafonte. Its been on TCM channel a lot. Your library may have it. It is considered a tragedy. Orpheus is a musical as well. They are about a love that goes wrong.:yesnod:I try not to watch to many romances,but I love classics.:yesnod::clap: So whats a girl to do with 2.5 spare hours?:boogy::angel:
    Hi Daisy! Is that you and your kids in your profile picture? You have adorable kids...you're really blessed. How's your weekend going? Summer seems to be sort of flying by...I guess it always seems that way. Are your kids looking forward to going back to school? Did you do anything special this weekend? :wavey:
    We've been getting lots of rain :eek: I guess to make up for all the lack of it before :yikes:

    Wanna come over and get my :car:?

    It's up for sale now :teeth:

    Seems like my weekend is all about selling and cleaning :faint2:
    :wavey::juggle:How was your weekend so far? I went over my parents to see my cousin from Atlanta. She travels alot. Her husdand is in the military. I stayed over until about 8pm. Two of my other cousins came by to visit.:yesnod: It :rainme: all morning then cleared up by afternoon. It is raining now.:yesnod: I watch the movie Black Orpheus. I saw it on the TCM channel. My first time seeing it. Have you seen it? It is considered a classic. I rate it with the movie Carmen. Not the Halle Berry one, the original. :yesnod::peace:
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