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  • Hi sweetie, I hope you and girls are doing well!!!:) Make any cookies lately?:clap:
    Hey Miss Daisy,:)
    I had to enter a new body, but I have the old one in storage for future use. Glad you are doing great. The weather in Washington right now is our regular dismal gray.
    I haven't been on Spoofee much lately, 'cause I 'm having bad luck finding good freebies. But I have been on some websites where you search and win "money that you turn in for gift cards or paypal.
    Oh well, back to my homemade gnocchi. I hope it turns out okay and doesn't dissolve when I boil it.:prey:
    :hugs: Hiya Daisy! What have you been up to? Do you still have snow on the ground? I want it to snow just one more time before the warm weather arrives, but I doubt we'll get any new snow at this point. I missed you around here. :star:
    :listen: I can't stand that you got 8 inches......:blushing: I'm jealous :rofl:

    I've been doing alright, not much new.
    :girlhi::hugs: Hi sweetie!! My February has been busy. The snow has finally cleared.:) How is it by you!!
    How are the girls?:peace:
    Hi Miss Daisy :wavey:. I'm so tired of winter. If it's not one thing, it's another with the weather...it's pouring :rainme: right now and it's not a good day to be out on the road. It's just been a bad winter for everyone. Sorry to hear that your area got hit with lots of snow :sad:. Are you going to watch the Superbowl? Have a great weekend with what's left of it. I'm being lazy today....
    :wave:Hi Daisy. chicago got hit hard we had about 22inches of snow. Schools did close for three days. The kids went to school today. The city is finally able to clear some snow.:clap: My complex was so bad.The residents were putting cones out to protect their shelved parking spaces.:argh: The weather was warmer today about 25 degrees today. I could not get my car out my complex Wednesday. I missed work. I was able to use a vacation day to cover my hours. This weekend Chicago is to be 20-30 degree weather. By Monday and Tuesday we get cold weather about 9 -10 degrees. I hope you are doing well. The lakeShore Drive just reopened yesterday. Buses were not allowed to drive until last night about 6pm.:):prey::yesnod:
    :yikes: You were slammed with :smow:

    We got about 8 inches :blushing:

    The drifts were about 20" and we had lots of those :nonod:

    I shoveled and took the day off from going to the gym. I put in 5 hours and then let my BF finish :faint2:

    I let him do the walkway that was all drifts :rofl: :sad: He used a blower :mad:

    Are you doing alright?
    Daisy, did you get hit with lots of snow? I saw that the mid-west was in the path of the snow storm. I still have to get my driveway shoveled...the snow plow guy never showed up yesterday. School kids had two days in a row off of school because of the snow. Hope you're fine. :)
    Hi sweetie. Did you get snowed in? I could not get my car out of my complex this morning. I hope you keep warm. :yesnod::peace::)
    :prey:Hi sweetie!!!:prey: I was praying Chicago would not get a blizzard. As I am sending this message, the snow is falling fast.:cry: I will be driving in the snow tomorrow.:sad: I hope you guys are ok.:peace:
    Hola Daisy :peace:. I'm doing well and trying to stay warm...it's so cold out! Has this winter been normal for your area? We've been hit with snow like crazy (more coming tomorrow)...I feel like I'm living in Alaska. If it keeps snowing like this, I don't know where they'll put all the plowed snow. I'm happy you're doing well and your girls are having fun in the :smow:. I have no clue what I'm doing this weekend. How about you?
    :yikes: Daisy is that really you:wink:

    I just noticed that I didn't answer your last message before this one :nonod: I'm so :sorry:

    Everything is just fine and dandy here :yesnod:

    How the heck are you doing:questionmark:

    I miss working in the yard :faint: I don't mind shoveling though :smow:
    :wave::hugs::girlhi: Hi sweetie. Chicago got about 1-2 inches of snow. the sun came out for awhile.:)I know you are sending up much :prey: for your girls in High school. Don't start turning grey soon!! :pound: The brownies sound delicious.:yesnod: No plans for this weekend. I think I am going to have some peace and quiet. Have you been skating lately?:thinking: What about you? Any plans for the weekend?:peace:
    Hiya Daisy. Sorry that you're getting lots of snow. But it's great if you're a kid...do your kids like the snow? The kids here should have today off from school or at least get to go in late because it's snowing like crazy now. The shcools don't like to take any chances with possible accidents on the road. Life is still the same here :teeth:. Hope you're doing well...
    :):flowers::hugs:Hi Daisy. I miss my spoofee friend. :cry: My parents are wonderful. I am still working early. Sometimes I am asleep by 7pm. It is trying to warm up abit here in Chicago. It has been 30 degrees. It is suppose to get colder next week. Are your girls out of school tomorrow? Friday, the kids are out here. How are the girls doing? Have you made any cookies lately? I brought about 6 boxes of Girl scout cookies. some for me and my dad.:peace:
    Hi Daisy, the Christmas holiday was okay, but I was sick the whole time with a bad cold. I broke my 20 or so year record of not getting sick with a cold...lol. I'm glad you had a good holiday. Snow...we've been getting hammered with the stuff. Another big storm is on its way this week :nonod:. We already have tons of snow on the ground. How about where you live? Hope you have a great weekend!
    Hi Miss Daisy! :hug: How was your holiday? I hope you and your girls are doing well. Have a great week!!! :star:
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