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  • :jaw:wow!!! I hope you can keep cool:yesnod:Chicagohas 90 Degrees, Hot, hot.!!!I see our pages are on display now.:)Have a good week:boogy:
    :faint: today is the day I could finally get my page to show up :argh:

    I hear you about the humidity, it's been bad here along with the heat :teeth:

    We do have lots of mosquitoes here, they are pretty bad....I think :noidea: they are normal size :lol:

    I haven't cut the grass in almost 2 weeks, we do need a really good rain :rainme:
    We seem to get bad storms or nothing at all.

    What's new with you? :teeth:
    :yesnod::sleep::goodnight: I am getting sleepy . I got in late last night have fun!!!:)
    :nonod: It is for Sunday school!! I just finished the paper. :clap: When I write it out on paper it is more than a page. After I type it, it becomes a small paragraph.:) What groceries do you have to get. Full up or stock up?:yesnod:
    Just goofing around. I am suppose to be doing homework. I only have to type one paragraph. I am being lazy!!! :yesnod::bored::faint:
    I saw it. My mother's Goddaughter was out. I needed to go before 4pm. The movies are $6 until 5pm. I went at 2:30. :yesnod: It was ok. I enjoyed the action. The plot was a little weak:nonod::) Ready for your big day tomorrow? Funny jokes and pictures:boogy:
    :lollypop::hurray::hurray:Hi sweetie!!! The picture in back!!!:yesnod::boogy:
    :star::wave: I want to go to the movies today. Predator starts. There is only two movies I want to see. Predator and Salt. I love scifi and action. :boogy: The shows are expensive!!! $9 after the first two showings:cry::rant: I have a lady on my job that sales DVDs 3 for $5!!! :yesnod: I understand why she is making a profit!!! :yesnod:What do you have planned for this weekend? Any more motorcycle riding? :bike: Oh you changed your picture!!! I likes the picture of the girls!!!:) Not that your picture is bad :nonod: I just didn't get used to new picture.
    I had responded to your last message to me on MY page by accident :stupid::whip:. To answer your questions...on the 4th, I watched fireworks in my neighborhood like you did. It's still very hot here :flame:, and at night it doesn't cool down enough...welcome to Summer! Stay cool...:hugs:
    The 4th was nice, meet up with some friends and went camping for 1 night. That was enough :teeth:

    Have you been riding lately? :bike:
    The humidity here is so bad :nonod:
    :yesnod:My buses have been cool :boogy:I am glad about that. We are getting rain. It is still humid. I get off work at 1:30 tomorrow cam't wait to start my weekend.:boogy::)

    That's a great picture :smiley:

    A daisy and a bee :rofl:

    You must be working hard and functioning at full throttle today :faint:
    :jaw:Wow!! I wished I had fine days off.:clap:The days go by too fast. I was able to spend time with my parents.I usually come and go. My mom ask me to stay and let me :washing: clothes at the house. I had dinner with them. It was cool. Eventhough my mom is better, she still get tired easily:sad:I just stayed until she went to lay down.:yesnod: I hope you are not working too hard.:nonod::)
    :hello::lollypop::gossip:Sorry I am missing you.:cry::yesnod::sad:The three days I work late, I am too sleepy to do anything. I like the picture :clap: you guys look like youre having fun.:boogy: I hope you are having a good week:)
    :sorry:I guess I was still sleepy. We got in late watching the fieworks. I basically slept all day. :yesnod: I am glad you had fun. I plan on seeing predator this weekend. :yesnod:I haven't been to the movies in months. You have any plans?:thinking:
    Yes, I did go out to dinner...I always love eating out and having someone else do the cooking and cleaning up. How was your 4th of July weekend? I saw a little bit of fireworks. :hug:
    :hello:I had a good time at the bbq, yesterday. My friend from work and her husband open their home . Today I will see fireworks. :) Still don't have any plans?:unsure::thinking:
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