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  • Hi sweetie How was your weekend? How was the Graduation? Did the Momma bear :cry:?
    What are your plans for the Hoilday?::boogy:
    :teeth: Good morning :wave:

    It's going to be a nice today :woot:

    How are you doing:questionmark: Anything new:questionmark:
    :clap:Hi sweetie, It is friday already ?:clap: I am having a quiet weekend. My moms home from the hospital. :peace::lol:She is doing well thanks for the prayers. Have you found something to wear yet?
    Hi sweetie!! I sorry you haven't found something yet. I don't blame you much shopping can be tedious!!!:argh::rant: No I have not decided on anything this weekend. I may have to go over to my parents house to wash clothes and clean. My mom won't be home until next week. Bummer:cry::argh: I hope the girls are excited about the graduation . :):yesnod: Sorry I haven't been playing much.:nonod: Just been too busy. i hope you have a good week.:)
    Hi sweetie. I know I must be tired. I posted your message on my page. When you get a chance read it please. I wrote so much. I am too lazy to erase it. sorry
    Hi!! Are there signs of the momma bear not wanting to let the baby cub grow up? :smilielol5:
    I hope you didn't have to travel to alot of stores.:argh::ohwell::nonod:
    I hope you find something nice for the both of you!!!:):clap: Bring lots of tissues!!!:cry: I am sure the proud mother will shed a tear or two. :yesnod::boogy: Have fun. I will definitely tell you about the retreat.:lol:
    Hi sweetie, I am traveling up to Waukegan for a singles retreat:) It should be lots of fun. I hope you are not working too hard. Do you have plans for this weekend?:yesnod:
    :rofl: I just wondered where you were from :nonod: I don't think I'll be visiting though :blushing:

    I just wondered if we were near each other, since the weather here sucks :puke:

    I think Saturday and Sunday should be 70 :woot:
    actually, I missed seeing my grandmother, i knew my aunt and cousin was taking her out. So, I told her I would see her in June.:cry: It turn out , that see wanted to see everyone who came by to visit her:yesnod:. My grandmother refused to go out and she stayed home.:rant: I was a little disappointed.:yesnod: If I knew she was going to stay home I would have went over to see her.:argh: Anyway, I did talk with my mom:) so that made my day.:clap:
    :nonod: No hot date . How about you today? I'm pretty sure you have big plans tonight.:):clap::yesnod::boogy:
    I don't think I will too many plans. My grandmother is going out with my cousins. I will see my mom Saturday morning. I have to give her a card.:):teeth: I am glad you and servant are holding down the fort. I see you guys are still playing games. Where is Apple and bird? I miss them.:cry::argh::nonod:
    :clap: Congrats on your daughters' graduation.I know you are a proud Mother!!!:) The new place is still good.:boogy: I need to go to the library to get my new card. I will do that Saturday. I am glad you are riding your bike. I get to exercise more now. I have lost 20 pounds.!!!! I have more to lose but I will take what I can get. I like your picture of you and your Daughter. do you have special plans for Mothers day?:lol:
    Hi sweetie, I miss you too. I promise I will try to catch up with you soon. I see servant has become addicted to the games. Its always good to see another gamer!!! :yesnod::clap::) How are the girls? Are you enjoying this weather we are having? Hove you rode your bike yet?:yesnod:
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