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  • :yikes: I'm so glad you remember him as my Avatar. :teeth: Thanks for the condolences :hugs:

    How are things going with you:questionmark: I hope all is well :smiley:
    I am settled!!!:yesnod::) I am sorry I have not been able to play games. Since i have been back to work, I have been too tired.:sad::zzz: I fall asleep before 9pm:rant: I hope you have a good week.:boogy:
    Hi sweetie!!! Work is work. I hope youre not working to hard!! :nonod: :faint::)
    :yesnod:yes, Every week they are in school. I have to bus them home.:cry::rant:
    well ladybug, I am going to cut this short. You and big Apple have fun!!! :goodnight::rapture:
    No, not right at the moment. I have alot to do tomorrow. My mother called me. I have to over to get mail and coupons she has for me. also have to wash clothes. :roll::willy_nilly:What a way to start a new week.:yesnod:
    :yesnod:yes:) It went by too fast. How about yourself did you do anything with you favorite girls.:boogy:
    NO!!! I am in denial:yesnod::cry::rant: That is why I'm only on for a short time. I have to get up at 2am.:sad:
    :wavey::yo:Hi Daisy, I thought I would play for about 30 mins. How are you this evening?:yesnod::)
    I am going to try to relax this evening . My mom may have other plans. I have to wash my hair .:rant::argh:It takes so long to dry. I hope you enjoy your day. Hopefully I can come back this evening.:yesnod: :rapture::hug:
    Pretty much, I am going walking today. I will be leaving in ten minutes. I walk in the mall. My mother is coming by, I have to look for curtains for the bed room and living room. Do you work today?
    It is opening weekend of fishing on my side (west) of the mountains and alot of people go out, we get there to get good parking spots and so we are assured of getting our honey holes to fish:)...........and we are fricking crazy :rofl:
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