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  • Although the last time I planned on going fishing, I ended up in the hospital:sad:, hope history dont repeat itsalf :rofl::pound:
    Not really, besides all the local lakes opening up for fishing is about the best thing going on here, for awhile at least:)
    You get used to the rain up here..its weird, it can be 65 and rain, but drive 2 1/2 hrs east and you can be in 85 and sunny:)
    Probaly will do the wednesday lunch....and am planning on going fishing saturday with my bro, and a good friend, all the local lakes open up saturday, its loads of fun...:):)
    Just wanted to say, I had problem with this site. I just came back to say good night
    Howdy:ciao: I am doing well, had a beautiful day here so I have been in and out.....mostly outside:), got quite abit done this weekend:woot:
    hope you are doing well :thumb:
    yes, I finally got to relax a little. Taking what time I have before Tuesday. Do you have plans this weekend?
    I really don't see to many shows. Sometimes they come on later. I usually have to go to :goodnight:. I end up missing them. I saw the movie The Ugly Truth with Catherine heigl.
    It was soo funny I was screaming.:rofl:
    :yesnod::pound:Your daughter is funny!!! I think my cookies will come while I am on vacation. I refuse to go to work to get them.:rant::argh: army Wives is a good show it comes on Lifetime .:yesnod:
    Would you believe? I still haven't gotten my Girl Scout cookies!!!:rant::cry::argh:
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