True or False game

True! LOL

TNP is getting dizzy from staring at Joyce's avatar!!!!!!!! :rofl:
False, I'm not dizzy yet! LOL

TNP changes their avatar at least once a week.
Depends on the week, but it's probably true most of the time!

TNP needs to go to bed soon. :yawn:
True, but I'm not going! :28: LOL

TNP hates their drivers license picture.
true . . .

TNP likes watching movies . ..
False....after managing a movie theater I find it difficult to watch movies.

TNP is having a gloomy day.

It has been pouring down rain here, all day.
False, it's really warm here today. 40 deg.

TNP could use a little chocolate right now?
Nope - this person is heading for strawberries..

TNP likes hockey (Go Bruins!)
True, I especially like it when they go at it! LOL

TNP is looking forward to Valentine's Day. :love:
False, we usually end up celebrating my boyfriends sisters birthday.

TNP doesn't get a gift for Valentines day.

TNP considers him/herself good with managing their finances.

TNP prefers to eat dinner at 7-ish?

TNP likes to watch the half-time show during the superbowl.