True or False game

false-no kids

TNP is selective when it comes to signing up for freebies.

TNP really wishes they could have a meal tonight that they don't have to cook.
True, the wish is about to come true because I'm going to order chinese! LOL

TNP doesn't like chinese food.
It's okay but not my favorite.

TNP is having a low-key Valentine's day.
True, if you're only talking about the hubby part and not the party w/20 sugared up Kindergartener's

TNP has no Valentine
false, it's our 10th V.Day together

TNP would like spring to hurry up already!
Oh YES - we've had about 50 inches of snowfall so far ...

TNP likes gardening ...
False. But I do enjoy all my indoor house plants.

The next person wishes they could relive a day all over again.:(
true, a day where everyone that has passed is present.

TNP has a chip in their nail polish
True, Wheel of Fortune is my favorite! :)

TNP has temps in the 60's today.
false - way to old

TNP thinks that Demi Moore has the right idea with being with a younger man
False. I don't even have a car. I take the BMW: bike muni and walk!

TNP ate an orange today.
false, but I will have a banana

TNP Will not be having a McSkillet today or tomorrow?