True or False game

True, but I missed them

TNP really needs to be doing something else right now
True......I should be typing up a paper, but I am catching up in spoofee land instead. It is more fun LOL

TNP would like to visit here more often.
true, but I already spend to much time here.

TNP would love for spring to start already
True, I think it already has! It's going to be 78 degrees today! :)

TNP has started shopping for Spring clothes.
False but I would like to

TNP has started their spring housecleaning.
LOL :rofl: LOL :rofl: LOL :hahaha: :hahaha: :rofl:

:sus: ........false

TNP finds no difference between Spring cleaning and what has to be done all year long!
I use to but now, charity is my sister.

TNP yawned +5 times today.

TNP had a cocktail today?
Nope - but I can open a box pretty darn well! :teeth:

TNP is having stew for dinner (which I should be starting right now...)

TNP is going to do laundry tonight?
false, everyother day.
Joyce-we also seem to be doing laundry at the same time.

TNP went to "Home Depot" this week.

The next person is at the grocery store more than once a week.

TNP chews gum when they are using the computer
Yup - but not at the computer ...

TNP likes a strong cup of java in the AM....
:coffee: So True

TNP is playing the points & Prizes game