True or False game

false I hate malls, but prefer stores

TNP started watching what they are eating this year
False, although I probably should LOL

TNP is consistently looking for new recipes.

TNP is anxious for a certain freebie to come.

tnp already knows who they are voting for

TNP has at least one candidate they dislike.
One? True.

TNP doesn't trust any of the candidates.
True, they always say one thing and do another when they are elected! :eek:

TNP thinks that Hillary is going to win the election.
False...there's a long time between now and Nov.

TNP has a favorite who's NOT in the running.......
Yeah, my kid! He's certainly bossy enough to rule the world. :rofl:

TNP likes at least one candidate from each party this year.
False, I just had a mini vacation & it was free! :)

TNP has never won anything. :(
false I've won the Love of many men

TNP wishes they were going to Cozumel with me next Saturday.
False, it was warm, but now it's back to cold! You should have asked a few days ago! LOL

TNP rarely eats out.
False, just got back from dinner-Mongolian bar b que

TNPHi to all my spoofee friends! Has bad eyes.
Hi, dbee! :)

True, I need to have my glasses on right now!

TNP wears contact lenses.