Rep game Closed. - The Sequel

All my hugs are out for today. I guess my hug for Apple yester day did not take effect? I was able to hug her today???? Thanks Tutz for the push over 100 million:)
Thanks, tutz and TAZZY!! Close, but not yet. 99437560

BTW I had an Aunt Tutz (aka Tootsie), although technically she was friends with my mother since they were around 4 years old. :doh:
Latest Reputation Received (99957896 point(s) total) :yikes:

I'm working on :hugs:right now :smiley:
I got tutz and smidge, and was told :eek: You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later. :cry:
Big Daddy;667496]Thanks, tutz and TAZZY!! Close, but not yet. 99437560

BTW I had an Aunt Tutz (aka Tootsie), although technically she was friends with my mother since they were around 4 years old.

thanks servantofone for the push to 100 million
:party: :dancing2: :bounce: :lock1: :clap2: :marchmellow: :cheers:
Latest Reputation Received (100359106 point(s) total)

glad to push you to a milestone lets get BD and DB...and smidgie....hey that rhymes...and anyone else to the 100 million club. BD and DB i hugged you both today but couldn't hug smidge.

Tutz aka Toots (tutz was our crazy pseudo German way of spelling dad's nickname for all of us)was pretty popular slang in my dad's era so it's not surprising :wink:that i have more than one namesake. :wink::wink:
All my hugs are out for today. I guess my hug for Apple yester day did not take effect? I was able to hug her today???? Thanks Tutz for the push over 100 million:)

tazzy that has happened to me... i have had to refresh to get the hug to "take":mmph::mmph:
hip hip hooray 100361711 glad to be in such great company bring in the clowns they're already here!~!:popcorn::popcorn::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::party::party:
OK, since I couldn't hug many of you...I went and found unknowns, finished my 10, and will start again when off restriction and TRY to :hug: my friends!
hip hip hooray 100361711 glad to be in such great company bring in the clowns they're already here!~!:popcorn::popcorn::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::party::party:
Ummm,,, excuse me?? :biggrinjester: Ah, nevermind. That was probably a compliment coming from you! Thanks! :lol:
Ummm,,, excuse me?? :biggrinjester: Ah, nevermind. That was probably a compliment coming from you! Thanks! :lol:
judy collins song from the 60's i am just dating myself again tee hee.:teeth::teeth::teeth::teeth:
101249579 thanks dbee and sun22beam
hip hip hooray 100361711 glad to be in such great company bring in the clowns they're already here!~!:popcorn::cheer2::cheer2::party::party:

i got it smidge!
Isn't it rich?
Are we a pair?
Me here at last on the ground,
You in mid-air.
Send in the clowns
:clown: :clown: :clown: :clown: :clown:
from the musical A Little Night Music
shocked that i remember the lyrics!

i got it smidge!
Isn't it rich?
Are we a pair?
Me here at last on the ground,
You in mid-air.
Send in the clowns
:clown: :clown: :clown: :clown: :clown:
from the musical A Little Night Music
shocked that i remember the lyrics!
ooh good answer. i can hear the tune in my head!!!!!!!!!!!
Dbee, thanks for the kind note. Sorry I've been missing. I tried to hug a few fellow huggers yesterday, but I've been so busy I haven't had any time to keep at it. I'll be back soon. Maybe next week. Take care, and keep hugging.
Thanks, bird!!! :) :hugs:

100350125. I finally have enough to buy that pack of gum (after using my hugs and a dollar). :lol:
Thanks, bird!!! :) :hugs:

100350125. I finally have enough to buy that pack of gum (after using my hugs and a dollar). :lol:

Glad to help :):party:

:teeth: You pushed me over this morning also :hurray: Thanks Bird

:listen: Big Daddy, I have a coupon for BOGOF gum, wanna go in on it together:questionmark:

:teeth: You pushed me over this morning also :hurray: Thanks Bird

:listen: Big Daddy, I have a coupon for BOGOF gum, wanna go in on it together:questionmark:


Didntthink I was that pushy of a person:rofl::cheers2::whoo: