Rep game Closed. - The Sequel

Another 10 spot................................:):):)

:hail: 95,242,522 Thanks everybody:whoo:
ok, who's not wearing green????????????


i didn't get to do my laundry last weekend becuase my power was out for 18 hours because of the big storm.
so i am eating home made soda bread and will walk over to 5th avenue to see the parade at lunch time. hope not to encounter green beer barf.:puke::puke::puke::puke:

still in lockdown!!! :toetap05:
Gave out 10 :clover:Top-o-the-day:yo::hugs:.........:cheers2::cheers: Be safe my spoofee friends :):)
:clover: I wore green today :teeth:

I couldn't get anyone here :cry: here I go looking for random's :sad::creep:
was able to get 9 of you
enjoy the rest of your St. Patty's day!
A bunch of randoms, but managed to scrape up the 10 spot.........:flybye:
:rant: I don't have time right now to :fish2: for all my :hugs:

I could only get 1 on the last 2 pages

:idea: I'll be back :vroam:
10751801 and the list keeps growing next............