Rep game Closed. - The Sequel

it will have to be tonight as i am lockdown right now
:smiley: I got my 10 :woot:

:egg: I tried and couldn't get apple..:noidea:....I wonder what will happen to her when she gets pushed over :crutch::rofl:

This sure would be a lot more fun if we could SEE THE REP POINTS! :rant:

:idea: I think the possibility of finding new players is NIL! Can't seem em, why join em :motz:
:smiley: I got my 10 :woot:

:egg: I tried and couldn't get apple..:noidea:....I wonder what will happen to her when she gets pushed over :crutch::rofl:
This sure would be a lot more fun if we could SEE THE REP POINTS!
:idea: I think the possibility of finding new players is NIL! Can't seem em, why join em :motz:
thanks for the big hug D:willy:
Latest Reputation Received (97623599 point(s) total)
i keep going back to old posts to find former huggers. This works occasionally but you really have to work hard to play this game now. And if we lose all of our points after 100 million, why bother to keep playing since almost everyone will have more rep points than we will? :sad:
thanks for the big hug D:willy:
Latest Reputation Received (97623599 point(s) total)
i keep going back to old posts to find former huggers. This works occasionally but you really have to work hard to play this game now. And if we lose all of our points after 100 million, why bother to keep playing since almost everyone will have more rep points than we will? :sad:
whats with that? got 9 of you before getting cut off by the mods/gods did i push any i got apple and dbee plus the other usual suspects well did i did i huh huh enquiry minds want to know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!please please spill the beans
Thanks. I am just anxious to see what will happen since BD said we will be going back to zero!!!! Was he just kidding us???? :lol:
That was BY FAR the most difficult hugging I've done. What's worse, is I couldn't push App over the 100 million mark. :cry:
I just hugged you Apple, are you reset? Did I push over the edge of the counter and back to ZERO?
At 9:13 p.m. last night I stated I was at 99694164. Got two hugs after that yet my # did not change. And Taz said that he just hugged me and again my # did not change. But not only did it not change, I didn't even see where you hugged me. It didn't show up!!! :cry:
Guess that means we are about maxed out with points. OTAY, what is the next game we are going to be playing?
thanks apple for the push 98387713 i say the natives revolt!!!!!!!!!!! mutiny on the spoofee ship~~~~~~~~~~~~~
At 9:13 p.m. last night I stated I was at 99694164. Got two hugs after that yet my # did not change. And Taz said that he just hugged me and again my # did not change. But not only did it not change, I didn't even see where you hugged me. It didn't show up!!! :cry:
back on line after an 18 hour power outage.
dinner by candle light is not so romantic when you have to take the chicken
and scalloped potatoes out of the oven and cook them on the stove top. i have a gas oven with electric switches so the burners were ok but the oven wouldn't heat either because the furnace is "fired" by electricity.

Anyone else on spoofee affected??? hear people in NJ got stuck on a NJ transit train for 5 hours.
those trains are pretty old and uncomfortable. i pm'd pat 137 to see how she is doing.

Latest Reputation Received (98587375 point(s) total)
apple did you get my hug yesterday? got taz's this morning.
it sucks if you just get stuck in the 90's FOEVER. taz is right, what's next for us huggers????
how about subtracting points and see who gets ZERO first A BIG FAT NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!