Odd comments that have nothing to do with anything else...

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Inquiring minds want to know................LOL:claps::tongue:

rather than focus on the mind-numbing (and nuts-numbing) conversation, i somehow became fixated on your post and had to look up the difference between inquire and enquire. although they are similar, they have slightly different meanings.

how's that for havin' nothin' to do with anything else????
My baby will be 10 on Monday! Can you get post partum depression after 10 years?? :verysad::tongue::verysad::verysad:
rather than focus on the mind-numbing (and nuts-numbing) conversation, i somehow became fixated on your post and had to look up the difference between inquire and enquire. although they are similar, they have slightly different meanings.

how's that for havin' nothin' to do with anything else????

So glad you have been enlightened.....do you care to share your enlightenment? or will you just snicker to yourself?

rather than focus on the mind-numbing (and nuts-numbing) conversation, i somehow became fixated on your post and had to look up the difference between inquire and enquire. although they are similar, they have slightly different meanings.

how's that for havin' nothin' to do with anything else????

yeah, share! or are you going to make us look it up ourselves? just like a teacher! :tongue:
... are you going to make us look it up ourselves? just like a teacher!

that's called "inquiry learning" (a common technique in the cognitive approach) and is usually associated with deeper levels of understanding and longer-term recall.
My baby will be 10 on Monday! Can you get post partum depression after 10 years?? :verysad::tongue::verysad::verysad:

Don't be sad Butty! You should be proud you have raised such a beautiful young lady! :) They do grow up fast though!
that's called "inquiry learning" (a common technique in the cognitive approach) and is usually associated with deeper levels of understanding and longer-term recall.

Speaking of learning, I'm curious as to your thoughts on the Socratic Method.

for those of you who asked:
askoxford.com said:
The traditional distinction between enquire and inquire is that enquire is to be used for general senses of 'ask', while inquire is reserved for uses meaning 'make a formal investigation'. In practice, however, enquire (and enquiry) is more common in British English while inquire (and inquiry) is more common in US English, but otherwise there is little discernible distinction in the way the words are used.
I have a nearly new copy of "The Asking Mystery" that we were required to by for my masters Philosophy class... any interest?

Okay... it is new... I never read it... still got an A. ;)
Speaking of learning, I'm curious as to your thoughts on the Socratic Method.

It depends what you mean by "Socratic method."
As a means to lead the slave boy in the Meno to agree that he couldn't double the area of a square by simply doubling the side, it was flashy, but I don't think led to long-term understanding of geometry.
As a method to explore morality, it formed the foundation of our current culture.
As a technique in law schools, it seems to be the standard pedagogical practice. It also seems pretty effective in that context.

But in middle school and high school, I think Socratic systems overemphasize the teacher's role. They also place a premium value on students with strong verbal/linguistic intelligence, to the detriment of those with strengths in other intelligences. I prefer other cognitive approaches which better empower the individual learners, deemphasize the teacher, and allow for success by learners with strengths in any of the intelligences. (But I studied under Bruner and Gardner, so I'm biased towards their theories.)
:yawn: I am so tired, but what a great day! Today was Kesler's first day at the beach! Of course he slept and was completely out of the sun and didnt make it to the water. lol But he sure did look cute! :yawn: good night y'all.........
Can't anyone unscramble the word SUNDAE?
R u complaining Preco? We're at 54 today...lot's of humidity, no heat. It's summer right?
R u complaining Preco? We're at 54 today...lot's of humidity, no heat. It's summer right?

We had 86 degrees yesterday, and a frost warning is out for tomorrow morning. :doh:
We had 86 degrees yesterday, and a frost warning is out for tomorrow morning. :doh:

That is why I didnt wait for retirement to move to Florida! (born and raised in Ohio) :bigok:

I am still a HUGE Buckeye fan though......you arent a Wolverine fan are you???
That is why I didnt wait for retirement to move to Florida! (born and raised in Ohio) :bigok:

I am still a HUGE Buckeye fan though......you arent a Wolverine fan are you???

Do I smell another bet coming on??? :pLOL
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