Free Goods from Walmart

1 Million Reusable Bag Give Away

As part of Earth Month 2008, Wal-Mart will be giving away a million custom-made reusable shopping bags on Saturday, April 19 at 8AM Local Time.*

Plastic bags can take as long as 1,000 years to degrade. Wal-Mart sells reusable shopping bags made from recycled materials you can use instead, for just $1.
I was at Walmart yesterday and they were passing out samples of the new Dove Go Fresh. I got the waterlily & freshmint scent and it smells really good. :)
Maybelline Mineral Power - Thanks for the freebie
I have just noticed something new. It seems that if you click to refresh the free sample page different offers appear. Keep clicking, there seem to a lot of things available!!!