Free Goods from Walmart

Gillette 2-in-One and Dove deodorant samples are gone. I missed out. :(

Update: Huggies are gone, too! :verysad:

Stupid school, keeping me away from the important things like free Wal-Mart samples.
Gillette 2-in-One and Dove deodorant samples are gone. I missed out. :(

Update: Huggies are gone, too! :verysad:

Stupid school, keeping me away from the important things like free Wal-Mart samples.

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I got my forceflex (tall kitchen) sample today! :claps:
If huggies was gone, it's back up :)
I can't seem to get the link to work but if you refresh the Walmart sample page a feww times it's still there :)

It may be on the Wal-Mart sample page, but when you try to register for it you get the following message:
We're Sorry!

The free sample you have requested is sold out. Our samples go fast, so be sure to check out our Free Samples page frequently to take advantage of these great offers!
thanks for the post all.. so far I got the glad kitchen bag, curel life stages lotion, and the Jergens one only :verysad: I got distracted by my 1yr old and accidently tossed that one away and I really wanted to use that one and they dont have it anymore :verysad: :verysad:
Now Im just waitn for the Gillette 2-in-One face and body wash and Goldbond lotion to come :claps: LOL