Discuss Past Months Allure Give-Aways Here

Is anyone else having trouble with this today? It says it's "invalid" and it's 11:50am EST?
It just wouldn't be an Allure contest without something to drive us crazy first. It's too close to noon for them to be having these kinds of problems. Arg!
It's not up yet, but is it okay if I enter through Roboform or will that disqualify me from the sweeps?
It's not up yet, but is it okay if I enter through Roboform or will that disqualify me from the sweeps?
I was able to enter a few seconds before 12 Noon - hope we're all winners!!!
Last month the same thing happened the first day of the giveaways, and by day two the geniuses at Allure figured out to place the form up early. Hopefully the same will be true tomorrow.
If you could pm me when you find out that would be great.

Thanks so much, you are the best:claps:
I got in at 12 I really wanted this one so my fingers are crossed LOL
I entered for another Spoofee but it was kind of late :eek:
I didn't get the form until 12:02. I guess this one is a write off for me. :(

Who else got that little jolt at 1 o'clock thinking it was time for another one? Those August habits take a while to disappear. lol
I used the need assistance link in the upper right hand corner.
oh, cool! :) You sure this wasn't just your first sub?

Well, I'll keep an eye out for it then. :lock: Thanks Pat!

No--this was not from a subscription--came in an envelope/no sub label.

Eva - An email letting you know it was coming??? I don't think I received that - Pat did you? Kim

No, Kim. Never got any e-mail about it--it just showed up.
so being this was my first time.... as long as the form came up to fill out my address and stuff then im in the running right?

just wanted to see what it was about since i've never done it before and i really want that sugar scrub.....
one more question... is it a full size thing or are we gonna get a sample like the gain sample came in on?
Nanner, yes if the form came up and you filled it in and submitted right away you're in the running. If you're even a minute late it will be too late. You get a full sized product when you win with Allure.