Discuss Past Months Allure Give-Aways Here

ONE MORE QUESTION -How are you guys putting your screens on the page to where it is easiest to get to the submit button on them. I've got one pulled up for myself and my mom. I keep having to flip screens...and I get frazzled about which one I've clicked the submit button on. I know, I know. It's probably just me!

what i do is open four windows, three for allure and one for http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/city.html?n=137
and i minimize all the windows after filling out the form and organizing all windows next to each other with the Submit buttons at even level. so i click one window and move on to the others. hope this helps :proud:
Hmm. I just entered the 5pm contest and my firefox confirmation stamp says: 5:00:09 PM. I wonder if that's good enough for a first 50 contest. (Wella Color Preserve Deep Treatment (retail value: $16) The first 50). I wonder why this one's only first 50... it's not like it's a $80 bottle of perfume or Chanel product or anything...?

Jetwoman - did also get you in on this. Your time stamp was 5:00:05 PM (strange, since I submitted mine first at 4:59:58 and then yours right after it... How does THAT work?) :convinced: :hmmmm2:
Hmm. I just entered the 5pm contest and my firefox confirmation stamp says: 5:00:09 PM. I wonder if that's good enough for a first 50 contest. (Wella Color Preserve Deep Treatment (retail value: $16) The first 50). I wonder why this one's only first 50... it's not like it's a $80 bottle of perfume or Chanel product or anything...?

Jetwoman; did also get you in on this. Your time stamp was 5:00:05 PM (strange, since I submitted mine first at 4:59:58 and then yours right after it... How does THAT work?)

Interesting because that's the same for me - I entered mine and then my mom's and hers went through first - 2:00:05 and then 2:00:15 for me. I wonder how much it slows things down when you do more than one submission at almost the same exact time. I hope I'm not screwing myself by entering others too (even if it is my mother and sister - I don't want to miss out!).
I dunno... I clicked mine first and then about 1-2 seconds later (time it took to hop over to her tab) entered Jetwoman. The other 3 I did after hers (my MOM, SIL, & friend) mom & sil went thru at 5:00:09 like mine did and the last one I entered for my friend went thru at 5:00:15. You would think if it was submitting numerous ones that caused the delay, then the one for Jetwoman at 5 sec after would also have been affected. I'm thinking it's just whatever the traffic is w/allure's servers at any given time that affects the time stamp, not necessarily OUR submissions/actions. As I noted before, I'm guessing the time stamp is a sec or two after the info's been rec'd by allure, as the stamp just states when the page has been modified (loaded), not when the info was rec'd by Allure.

While I can't say for certain, I'm pretty sure that those of us submitting each hour w/in the first few seconds have a pretty good shot of winning at least a FEW of these contests. I really hope we get to see a winner's list at some point in the not too distant future.
I'm not following everything you guys are talking about (tabs, etc.), but I can tell you that I've read on another board about this situation where the first entry is not a winner, but maybe the second and third wind up to be winners. This is for people who enter themselves and others. Maybe that will clarify something about this. As for me, I just click submit and hope for the best. Probably why I don't win too many--but I did get some last year. Seems to take a very long time to get that "thank you" message on mine. When I go back and do one for my friend, that message comes up much more quickly (probably way too late by then, even tho it's still only betwen 2:00 and 2:01, for example).
Hmm... maybe I'll switch the order then and enter my SIL or mom first, then myself. That way if this is true, if they get something & don't want it, they can share w/me! ;)

I guess we'll see soon enough if any of this pays off. Thanks for the info Pat!
I noticed a few days ago my account showed 40 points redeemed :claps:
I wonder how long before we receive our mystery gift? At least I know I will be getting something from Allure LOL
I swear there's another thread about this (or it was mentioned in a different thread), because I did get an e-mail from them and redeemed 20 pts. I believe they said that it would be around 12 weeks--a very long time indeed. This was several weeks ago. Some others commented about it also at the time.
Kaija... your wish is granted...
when you fill in the custom information... you should have room for one more field name...
field name...newsletter
value ... no
other matching strings.. subscription
special offer

click save.

you'll need to go to the allure sign up form and run a test enter.. it will come up that it might interfere with the name field....

You are friggin awesome. I wish I could rep you again! Thank you so much! The only yes/no it DIDN'T fill out was the special offer/free gift for the magazine subscription and tote. I tried adding "gift" to the list of key words/strings but no luck. Maybe b/c it's in a box on the form? :noidea:

Anyway, thank you so much. Those specific key words worked perfectly -- I had tried before but my key words (tho similar) didn't produce results. :( This will make it all so much easier. :claps:
I swear there's another thread about this (or it was mentioned in a different thread), because I did get an e-mail from them and redeemed 20 pts. I believe they said that it would be around 12 weeks--a very long time indeed. This was several weeks ago. Some others commented about it also at the time.

I received the email to redeem my points and confirm my mailing address on 07/07 when I started this thread. They did not remove my redeemed points until this past week so I'm thinking/hoping LOL that they shipped my beauty products at that time.

I found the thread you are thinking of Pat maybe this one should be added to it or deleted??

Allure Giveaways and Allure Subscribers

Maybe we should have a sub-section in the freebies/giveaways called Everything Allure since a lot of our freestuff comes from them. LOL
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Hey vem i got the same email as you did.I am going to be receiving something from Allure too.The email i got said it will be about 8-10 weeks for my gift to arrive.I hope everyone gets something too.:claps:
Yes, Vem, that was the thread I remembered. My opinion about Allure is that we should have a separate thread for each month or special giveaway deal. Otherwise, it would become one huge, jumbled up mess. But, that's just my opinion. I personally just use the search feature to find a particular month or giveaway promotion.
whoa how did i get through at 1:00:00 EDT for an item only 25 ppl win...has everyone grown tired of playing?? :)
This one seems to be getting old fast. Maybe it's the pressure of having to be there every single hour. Plus, I only enter the ones I really want. I figure there's no sense in me having clothes in teeny tiny sizes that'll never fit me. So I have to keep track of what times to be there each day.

I haven't given up completely, but it's feeling more like work than fun.
Just because you got through doesn't come close to meaning that you won with Allure....don't get your hopes up too high!
Just because you got through doesn't come close to meaning that you won with Allure....don't get your hopes up too high!

haha im not...ive only won 4 times in all the months ive been doing this. BUT thats still 4 times. i work in front of a computer all day so it's not really inconvenient for me...actually breaks up the monotony :teeth:
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I was away for most of the offers today (which sux cause I was wanting the first 3 today) but I did get in on the 4pm Kim Vo Masque at 4:00:03.
Yes, Vem, that was the thread I remembered. My opinion about Allure is that we should have a separate thread for each month or special giveaway deal. Otherwise, it would become one huge, jumbled up mess. But, that's just my opinion. I personally just use the search feature to find a particular month or giveaway promotion.

I agree. Just look how big the Allure thread is already, 11 days into it -- or how big the Elle/Sephora one got.