Discuss Past Months Allure Give-Aways Here

Why the hay were they only giving away 10 of the Chanel Nail Colours? I wonder if that is supposed to be 100.
:cry: I opened my laptop at 12:58 only to find a blank screen. Apparently my computer crashed - missed yet another one.:worry:
:cussing: Are these offers more of those "If you don't log on on the first monday of spring during the full moon and drop your pants to moon your neighbor deals???" Geezum crow! These are such a pain the butt :frusty: I thought that most of these giveaways were going to be awarded by random drawing :idea:
:cussing: Are these offers more of those "If you don't log on on the first monday of spring during the full moon and drop your pants to moon your neighbor deals???" Geezum crow! These are such a pain the butt :frusty: I thought that most of these giveaways were going to be awarded by random drawing :idea:

Oh that is why I did not win a bunch last year!!
I thought you had to go outside in your undies at midnight each night and wish on a star to win LOL I guess I will have to try the moon thing next spring :rofl:
oh that is why i did not win a bunch last year!!
I thought you had to go outside in your undies at midnight each night and wish on a star to win lol i guess i will have to try the moon thing next spring :rofl:[

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Was reading the previous posts on here and saw the comment " wish robo form would fill in the hair color" .... actually it will...

go to ID's...edit.. click ID you want.. last tab says custom...
field name... hair color ...
field value.. the color you want entered...

same for skin tone..

speeds it up alittle.
:teeth:I just entered for the 3rd item at 1:00 cst & hope
I got in. Is the entry form the one on the main page
of this thread? I hope that is the only one.
THANKS iokijo for the roboform info!! That works great!
Tried to rep you but it wouldn't let me :sus:
Was reading the previous posts on here and saw the comment " wish robo form would fill in the hair color" .... actually it will...

go to ID's...edit.. click ID you want.. last tab says custom...
field name... hair color ...
field value.. the color you want entered...

same for skin tone..

speeds it up alittle.

wait where is this? only thing i see is under profile and it doesn't have these options...
Wow... The 1st one I submitted for 4pm went thru fine (at 3:59:58) and the 3 I did after that all got "503" errors. :( I'm seeing those a lot lately.
Was reading the previous posts on here and saw the comment " wish robo form would fill in the hair color" .... actually it will...

go to ID's...edit.. click ID you want.. last tab says custom...
field name... hair color ...
field value.. the color you want entered...

same for skin tone..

speeds it up alittle.

Thank you!! That's really helpful! Now if only we could have it automatically say "no" to all the "enter me for spam emails" questions. LOL

(Whoo! And it actually let me Rep you! Rock On!)
Wow... The 1st one I submitted for 4pm went thru fine (at 3:59:58) and the 3 I did after that all got "503" errors. :( I'm seeing those a lot lately.

This is the 3rd one of mine so far this sweepstakes that went in at 3:59:59 - ugh!!! It's so tricky getting in earlier and not screwing up at the same time. I've been pretty good with all my other times though - so might just keep playing it safe and wait til the seconds get on 59:59 before hitting.
Yeah, that's what I'm planning on doing -- I'm entering myself first, then Jetwoman as I'm helping her out for a while... then after that doing my SIL, MOM, and another friend but they don't know I'm doing it so if they don't get anything, it's no biggie. I would just feel SO Much better if I knew that my 58/59 second submissions were going towards the *new* promo and not the one for the prev. hour. Sometimes (like this one at 4) the 3:59 ones go thru right away -- but the 3pm one I submitted at the same time (2:59:58) didn't give me a confirmation page till 3:00:21!!

*sigh* Right now it's stressful, but it'll be so worth if I get some of the 'good' prizes (ie: not $5 lotions or $2 lipsticks)
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ok, time to get back to my other life for the day....ho-hum
I think I did good today except the 4pm est I had errors on that one :verysad:

It would be awful not getting anything from this after all the time spent :eek:
If you have Robo form on your toolbar... to the right of the robot icon is a yellow arrow .. click on it.. it will give you a menu.. click on identities, then edit.
click on the ID you want.. it will bring up a page for that ID.. custom is the last tab to the right on the top of that page.

Kaija... your wish is granted...
when you fill in the custom information... you should have room for one more field name...
field name...newsletter
value ... no
other matching strings.. subscription
special offer

click save.

you'll need to go to the allure sign up form and run a test enter.. it will come up that it might interfere with the name field.... in case your name is partner I guess.. click don't show message again.

this will fill out all of the info except interests...as well as filling in NO to the subscription offer, text mess. & newsletter. if you have the pro robo form.. just make one of the fields interests and the value what you want it to enter.
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well, i got tired of allure and its giveaways so i missed out on 3 out of 6 didn't like the 12,1, and 2 o'clock (Pacific time) anyways.
Re Kaija's post #292, I have a question. How do you know that your entries were not counted? I thought if you got a "Thank you" page, that your entry was recorded. Never gave it a second thought. And I have no idea exactly when my entries go through. How do you know when they are accepted by Allure? Do you look at the computer clock when the "thank you" comes up? There must be more to this than I ever thought. I just wait until the hour and hit submit. Sometimes I get an error. Then I go back and do it all again. Something else I should be doing? Unfortunately, only did two yesterday because I had to go out, but hope to do better on Friday. Thanks.