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  • :( I thought you said in your email that you owed me a rep! :verysad: I got so excited. :marshmallow:
    Hey you silly Brunette, Didn't you promise me something? :confused: Martini :cocktail: promise
    Thanks for the reminder & you have a happy 4th. That actually is the one holiday I dread. My animals are so fearful of the fireworks and noise I hate that they have to go through it every year. I even adopted a cat on the 4th so he wouldn't be outside...I think he played me on that one!
    Thank you for the "Friend's Invite!" I no longer frequent Spoofee with any regularity, and as such, I am not even sure what the Friend's thing is all about! LOL Anyway, didn't want to appear inconsiderate so I thought I would stop by and wish you and yours a very happy and enjoyable Fourth of July! Be well! Best wishes from Rags and Jeb Stuart
    Thanks, but I did remember--it hardly does me any good, tho. I've only gotten two things in about 16 months of doing it (except for the August thing). I just think my entry doesn't go in fast enough, or my clock isn't quite right. Anyway, as you know, they didn't open on time--and I'm sure I was WAY too late this time. Hope some get something. Tomorrow, I'll just try again!

    PS: Thanks for thinking of me. I am now officially your "friend"!
    Thanks I can't remember what I won last month! Believe it or not i know i got in on 2 or 3 of them but haven't received a thing..did u get the gel yet? Just wondering..I think that you can win every one each and every month!
    good luck to you too! ;-)
    I won exfolliating face gel from Allure last month. Any chance I could win again soon? I use the desktop weather clock to go off at 11:00 daily! Thanks for reminder & good luck to ya!
    Thank you so very much! I'm glad we're friends...and I'm doing very well so well in fact i'm hoping to finally go back to work either end of next week or the beginning of the following one.
    Thanks for the friend request! :) Hope you're doing well!

    p.s. Love your avatar! It's so cute!
    I've never heard of this ( like many other things offered here) How and where do you find out about this stuff? I'm going to have a little time on my hands this week to check it out because I'm going in the hospital tomorrow for some minor surgery. Will be able to be lazy for a couple of days lol
    Thanks for the invite! Hope your weekend is great!
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