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  • :yo: yo buzzy, now I get it. Sorry that you were up all night. I hope that you are not in pain. Stay high and try to get some sleep tonight. :)
    Thanks Babs! BTW- been praying for you! The Migraines are there but not as bad w/ the current meds...I do have a central nervous system whereby my optic nerve isn't in "sync" so to speak causing my dizzy spells..drs said this can all be controlled but never cured! At least it's controllable..
    also I am going back to work this monday on limited duty! Can't wait as it's been over 11 months i've been out of work!
    Money is tight but i really miss my co-workers and my boss who welcomed me back w/ open arms. I called her and then went there to drop off my return to work papers.
    Chat later! Glad we became friends!
    I'm so sorry to hear of all the pain that you have been through, especially with the accident and lawsuit. I hope you come out a winner. I am still fighting the pain everyday with headaches from the brain tumor I had removed in Jan. It seems like we all suffer with something.
    Anywho, I hope you are having a great day!
    That's fantastic news! I can only assume that you will be nervous and all, but you will be fine. Are you ok with the accident? I mean is everything ok since then? Best wishes to you and this is great news!
    Sunni, do you know what's up with NYGFOX? I have gone to her visitor page to say hi and there is no place to leave a message. Is something wrong with the site?
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