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  • :wave:Hey !!!!!! Thanks 4 the invite!!!!!!!:shakehands: Now were Spoofee Friends!!!!

    I have sumthin 2 tell u :secret: They have games on Spoofee!!! Go play them, LOL But seriously, thanks 4 the invite n play the games sumtime they really fun!!!!:teeth:
    Hi Sunni, thanks for inviting me to be your friend. Hope you're having a good weekend.
    I see that you got in, :claps: good job. :( I just got home from work, and I can't believe that I got in on the deal.:) I would have thought it was long gone. I hope that you got to nap today! :yawn:
    :wave: So happy to hear the good news, Sunni! I was praying that everything would work out for you!! :hug: Also, glad to hear that they got to the root of your problem and that you are feeling better!! :rose: Keep me posted and I'll keep praying for you!! :hug: I wish you nothing but happiness and luck! :kiss: Take care, Sunni! :rose:
    I got my appeal denied! :**( But I'm now on a 2nd level appeal! and my dr's visit w/ Dr Green on May 23rd showed I have a central nervous system problem w/ an eye problem which is causing my dizzy spells so NO I'm NOT CRZY! ;-) I was put on Effexor XL and that is helping along w/ the Physical Therapy and my pain Dr has ordered a Occupational Exam to show I can't do ANY type of work to make my case that much stronger! WOOO HOOO! Wish me luck! Gotta get ready for PT..My sister in law is taking me! She's FINALLY moving out this weekend! Tensions are way too tight right now so it's for the best on both ends esp since I plan on going back to work whether or not i'm ready on July 8th (I see Dr Green on July 7th) so w/in 2 weeks I'll be financially set!
    Nothing new w/ the lawsuit....they only wanted to pay $15K and I'm out over 50K at this point in pay! Seeking the max of $100K due to life long injury and my attorneys said we'll go to court if need be!
    Well that's it for now! Thanks for asking and for your concern!
    Much Luv
    :wave: Hello Sunni! :hug: I just now saw your post addressed to me. I'm so sorry to hear about all that you are going through. How is the appeal process working out for you, are you having any better luck? I sure do hope so!! :rose: :hug: You sure got a raw deal!! :mmph: I can relate to what you are going through a little (not first hand)--my sil became disabled & she had to go through a bunch of red tape and incompetence by almost everyone that was "supposedly" there to help her! :mmph: I will pray for you and I just know that things are going to get better! So hang in there buddy!! :hug: Have a wonderful weekend! :hug: :rose:
    Click here to go to your User CP. You should see the rep information on the right-hand side of the page.
    Just saw your post about your tests. Glad today's visit went well and progess will soon be made! *hugs*
    Thanks NYG.. I'm nervous.. got my disability appeal supervisor calling me to make sure she has everything b4 the appeal goes in...I was denied my short term disability due to an incompetant dr that they sent me to for an Independant Medical Exam( IME). Yet I've got 3 dr's stating I can't go back to work! Right now at ZERO PAY! It stinks I just wanna go back to work but can't function! Wish me luck on the appeal!
    :wave: Just stopping in to say hello and hope everything is going well with you and yours! :rose: :hug:
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