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  • hi Sunny. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving. Are the festivities at your house? I'm having 9 people here. Had a massage today in anticipation. LOL
    Sorry to hear about all the health problems that you are having:( I hope that you will be feeling better soon. :) I miss having you around :marshmallow:
    Hi Sunni. I tried to get some dog food for you , but it said I already did. I did send for one in my sil's name so may get ya one . Hope thing are going well for you.
    Hi Sunni! How are things going for you? Is work OK? Things are pretty good here. Looking forward to cooler weather.
    Don't worry about sending me any coupons, I just hope that you get yours! I don't even have any of the listed stores around, so I'm hoping to pass it off at walmart :rofl:
    Hey, remember that day I signed us both up for the Blue Bunny icecream, well that was the only time I got in and I got my coupon today:) Did you get one today also?
    Hi Sunny, haven't seen you on spoofee in a few days. Hope everything is alright with you.
    Hi Sunni,
    Just passing on through as usual when I learned about your loss of your beloved pet friend. Both Jeb Stuart and I send you our thoughts and prayers for your healing. Been through the same, and, while the pain eases a bit, the memories still live on in your heart and soul. If ever you want to "borrow" Jeb, I will happily FEDEX his furry butt on down to you! Have a wonderful week. Rags
    I'm so sorry about your puppy passing on, that is so sad, just letting you know we will have you in our prayers for the next few days, it's never easy to lose a pet.
    I don't even know what the icecream is! If I see something, I will let slym know. I don't check out the freebies very much anymore. :)
    I ended up fixing it yesterday. Thanks for your help. I tried to restore the memory back to when it worked and it said that nothing had changed. It ended up that the link I click onto - got put in my unused desktop folder. So all I had to do after all was move it back to the desk top. Thanks again, I hope that you had a great weekend. :)
    Hey, I see that you are on! I hope that you had a good day. I didn't check anything out, I just stopped in for a minute. I've been busy with Ebay stuff and having some problems with my computer. For some reason all my add-ons have been disabled and I can't get them back. No auto-fill or downloading stuff. Anyway-good luck with everything. :)
    :eek:I can't believe that you got me. I got tagged from prop. about 10 days ago. I sent it to ultimate. :rofl:
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