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  • Hi Sea!:flowers: The first day was good. My girls are loving school right now... that could change:yesnod: Glad you had a good weekend, wished it would have been cooler for you. My week is going good. My oldest, who is a freshman, is talking about boys and homecoming.... not ready for that:nonod: I will send you some of my energy:teeth: How have things been otherwise? Any plans for this week or the coming weekend:noidea:
    :itsme::music: What's up SEA!!! :) Chicago has gotten cooler. We still have sunny skies:yesnod: I did not walk today, I will walk tomorrow. My job is having a walk challenge. We have to wear a pedometer. My step since Sunday are 20,000.:clap: I can't believe it!!! :peace: Yhe person who has the most step by October will get a new pair of gym shoes!!!
    I saw the expendables with Sly Stallone. A very good film. Has lots of action. :seeya:
    Hi Sea:wave: Everything is ok. Now gearing for the first day of school on Tuesday:woot::teeth: They keep me busy and hopping. Yes, back then, big families were the norm.:yesnod: How have you been? How was your week and weekend? :noidea: Have fun and take care!:hugs:
    :wave::juggle:My weekend is going well. I got a chance to walk yesterday.:yesnod: It has been so hot :argh: I could not do it at work. I walked in the mall.:yesnod: I went over to my parents to visit. I do it every week. Everything is well with them. I am just relaxing trying to stay cool.:yesnod::peace::boogy:
    had a great sat, celebrated b-day w/bf's family got presents. thank you so much for appreciating my hard work, you have no idea what i went through w/bbb and allure back and forth to get last years and some of this years winners lists. i got so stressed out for what?! allure could have just emailed the lists when asked but had to put me through a train of problems. anyways, i'm happy to help and being appreciated is even better. i always am happy when someone else gets the list b/c i now know what they had to go through to get it. have a great rest of the weekend.
    thank you so much for your kind words, dont ever think you can't stop by and leave a message, i love to hear from my friends here at spoofee. i try to do my part, everyone contributes so much its the least i can do, plus you know i want the winners lists as much as anyone else, hahaha, we all benefit. have a great rest of the week, ttyl.
    :wavey: I guarantee, you will love Salt.:clap:So how is your week so far?:)
    I live on Long Island and work in midtown Manhattan at 34 and 7th. I never make it up town much since the long island railroad is right across the street. funny how that train calls to Me at about 5pm every day. i love Juniors cheesecake, i need to make an effort to haul my sorry butt uptown for a taste of the bagel deli cheesecake. Are you going to the ed sulliivan theater to see letterman?

    they are going to spray my neighborhood with insecticide tonight becuase of West Nile between 7pm and midnight. we are being told close our windows, stay indoors, turn off central air and keep our pets inside. my kitties are indoor cats but i worry about the wild rabbit who visits all of the time. I will have to triple wash my garden veggies. Long Island tests for west Nile and they found it all over in ponds so i guess i am OK with the spray. the virus can be fatal... just don't like the concept.
    :target::hurray: I saw Salt. It was the best action film I have seen in a long time. I was not disappointed. Angelina Jolie kicked some major butt!!!:yesnod::clap: If you like action , SEA, you will enjoy this film. Have a good weekend!!!:lol:
    I need to buy: clothes, shoes, some supplies...

    I have 4 girls

    Sounds like fun...:woot::)

    I have to work & find a vehicle
    Girls are all registered and only took almost 90 mins:yikes: How was the clothes & grocery shopping:noidea: Any fun plans for the weekend? :boogy:
    i sneak in entires when i can... i am at work during the day. i miss a lot of them because i am crazy busy. but that's OK. let myself get way too addicted 2 years ago and only won one prize. so i try to remember which ones i am interested in.

    last year they had bobby pins and a bar of soap as giveaways. no way i was gonna waste my time for 99 cent bobby pins or $1.50 bar of soap.

    you spoke of going to the shore...where do you live on the east coast? i live in NY now, was born in Wisconsin but went to college in Boston....
    we would have gone to a shelter too, so many beautiful loving animals that are needlessly euthanized. We didn't because I found our breeder on line, she has cats that looked exactly like the one we lost. And they were affordable and socialized. Our late cat, Becky was only friendly with us and we wanted to have cats that interacted with our family and visitors.

    We have that now. Boone acts like a dog...he comes to my step son when he whistles and rolls over on his back for tummy rubs. Bandit is a sweet friendly girl.

    so how are things with you? great summer? too hot? gonna get in a vacation? sore fingers from entering allure?
    :ridinghorse::wave:Hi Sea, My week is not to bad so far. One of my passengers commended me on my job performance. My boss took a picture of me. They may put it in our jobs news paper.:) One more week before school starts. I am going to try to see salt this weekend if possible.:nonod: Everyone who has seen it tell me I will not be disappointed.:yesnod: Do0 you have plans for this weekend?:peace::boogy:
    that kitty picture was taken by the breeder. how the heck she got 2 8-10 week old kittens to pose like that is beyond me. she did a good job with them too, they greet everyone who comes over to my house and love dogs and parties. very social!
    School registration is tomorrow and Wednesday. The kids start school 2 weeks from tomorrow. This weekend and next week is tax free for school supplies and such in Illinois. That will help:yesnod: I hear ya about summer being better... I hope everything is ok on your end. May you be blessed with an awesome week, sea:hugs:
    :flowers: Hi Sea:wavey: Sorry to hear you weren't feeling well:hugs: I have to get a couple of the girls physicals & shots done for school:yesnod: I could loan you a couple of mine :) :wink: A drive to the ocean sounds heavenly:) I hope you have been enjoying your summer. By the way, summer has definitely :bolt: way too fast:sad: Did you get a chance to enjoy it?:noidea: It's Saturday now...
    Hi Sea, :yo::high5: I love comedies , westerns and action movies. I like Bringing up Baby, Gunfight at the ok corral, Alfred Hitchcock. The Bourne Identity movies.
    Lara Coft. All Spencer Tracy and Katherine Hepburn movies. Officer and a Gentleman. I have many others to name a few. I love Scifi also.:):yesnod::boogy:
    Hi-ya SOC!!! :lol: :rofl:
    I lost my 21 1/2 year old Siamese 4 years ago so I know how you feel. I still miss her. We have 2 four year old traditional Siamese kitties, Boone and Bandit. we adopted them about 4 months after Becky died since we were going though cat withdrawal. My avatar is a picture that their breeder took.
    Adopting another Kitty will fill the hole in your heart and help.

    Sorry for being so cryptic in my "hug message" I give everyone i hug with a note a nick name since you eventually run out of space
    :ciao::girlhi: What's up SEA!!! I did see Predator. It was good. The plot was a little weak. I just sometmes want to see action. If you like action I recommend it.:yesnod:It was not in 3D. Don't feel bad, I have not seen a movie in 3D in a long time. Actually, you have seen more movies than me. I will see Salt sometime next week. I try to let a move play for awhile before I see it.:yesnod: Do you like classics. I love them, I have the TCM channel and i try to see as many classics as possible. What are your favorite movies?:peace::boogy:
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