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    :wave::tee::yo: What's up Sea? I went to see the movie Morning Glory. It was very entertaining. I laughed a lot. Harrison Ford is funny. I think I may go see Unstoppable. :yesnod: How are things with you? Any plans for the hoildays?:peace:
    :boogy: hi Sea, I saw the movie"Life as we know it". It was very funny. Only 3 people were in the theater. The parking lot was full:yesnod: everyone was watching SAW. That is next on my list. Let me know if you see it before me.:) I hope your family memders enjoyed their birthdays. Mines was pretty cool.:yesnod::clap:
    Thank you Sea for the birthday wishes. I like the SAW series too!!! I 've seen all of them. I can't wait to see the 3D one!!! Take care!!!
    Hi Sea! I have not seen any movies lately. I am on vacation next week. :yesnod: I don't have any big plans. My b-day is the 27th. My aunt and I may go out for lunch.:yesnod::) Her B-day is the 28th. I am in the mood for a comedy. I want to see the movie with Katherine Heigl. It looks preety funny.:yesnod::peace: I hope you are enjoying this last bit of warm weather. chicago has one more 70 degree day on next Monday!!!:argh:
    Hi Sea! :wavey: :hugs: Life has been kind of crazy, at times, on my end. How are things on yours? Thanks for asking and I have missed being around here. It's insane that October is already almost half way thru. Kids receive their report cards, I think, in a lil over a week! Eeeeekkkk! How did time fly so fast? We've been having gorgeous days here lately. Hopefully your days are just as beautiful! :yesnod: What have you been up to? :noidea: Take care, Miss Sea! :hugs:
    :eating::)me love chocolate cake!! Yum, Yum:yesnod: Yes Chicago will have 70's all week!! :target: I love matinees also!! :yesnod:
    Good evening Miss Sea :wave: :hugs: Hope all is peachy keen in your neck of the woods! :teeth::hugs:
    :wavey:I went to see The Town. very good movie. Some parts were funny!!! :rapture:
    :peace: Sorry about the :rainme: Chicago is experiencing some warm weather.:) It has been in the 70's all week. The weekend it will be cooler. It is suppose to be low 60's next week.:yesnod: I think I will take a pass on Devil. I will go see The Town with Ben Affleck.:clap: I think he's a pretty good actor. I like to go to matinees also. Too many kids make me :willy_nilly: I try to go to the first showing. The kids aren't up until about 1pm.:yesnod::clap:
    :hello::rockon:Chicago is in Indian Summer.:yesnod: The weather was 60 degress yesterday. It will be in the lower 60's. It rained yesterday. It may rain a little today.:cry:Bye, bye summer!!! :flybye: Tell me how you like the movie. I saw the previews. They look pretty interesting.:thinking:
    :wavey::hurray:Glad your Dad is tops again!!!:clap: The weather in Chicago is cooler. It has been very windy. It :rainme: the last two days:cry:It will be cool all weekend.I hope you are enjoying your good weather.:)I think Chicago summer is all but gone.:argh::yesnod:
    :prey::)I will be praying for your father I hope the doctors can stop the pain.:yesnod:I have seen the Takers. It is a good film. The next movie I want to see is Our Town with Ben Affleck. The previews look good. I will try to see it sometime next week. I hope you enjoy your weekend as well. It has been cooler here in CHI-Town. I hope it warms up a little.:yesnod::):peace:
    :prey::)I hope all is well with your father. News like that sometimes it a little scary. My dad was in the hospital 2 yrs ago. I was at work. I did not get the report until later that evening. He is doing good now . At the time , I was very concerned.:yesnod: I am glad your mom was with him.:yesnod:
    :itsme::boink:Hi Sea, :yesnod: I am still walking. Weekend was pretty cool I celebrated 15 yrs on my job Friday!!!:boogy: I got a chance to see the movie Takers. It was very good.:yesnod: The weather is cooling but, I still get out. I just have to put on extra clothing. How is things with you? Is it cooling down where you are?:peace:
    Good morning Miss Sea :hugs: Hope all is well in your neck of the woods and I would gladly share some of this cool weather with you, if you want! :yesnod: How have things been? How was your night out Friday? :noidea:

    I'm not ready for my daughters to date. :nonod: I'd rather they worry about school than boys just yet...

    I hope this finds you having had an awesome weekend and a fantastic Labor Day! :woot: :rapture:
    :angel: Hi yea Sea!!! Not all are participating. :nonod: there are more women than men:yesnod::boogy:I don't think I will win .:sad: We have some very strong walkers on my team. :clap: If I don't win , i will be happy for someone on my team who wins. Our team captain will be giving us all a gift for participating!!! :whoo::whoo:
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