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  • Hi Sea:wavey: Actually, that's 3 of my four girls in that picture:) I have been blessed and thank you :hugs: My weekend has been uneventful for the most part, which is ok:yesnod: How about yourself? How have you been? Do you have any children? The summer truly is flying by:sad: Girls go back to school in a lil over 3 weeks:yikes: I didn't do anything thrilling to write home about.:nonod: If you did, may I live vicariously thru you? :teeth:
    Stopping by to say HI:wavey: I hope you're able to stay cool and this finds you having an awesome summer thus far! :hugs: :high5:
    :jaw:Wow 101? I am complaining over 90 degree weather. :yesnod: Chicago has gotten rain. Yet, it does not really cool off.:argh: I am trying to go to the movies to see Predator. I love scifi :) and action movies. The shows here in Chicago are $9 after the first two early shows.:rant: Many people make DVDs and sale them for $5. I understand now why people by bootleg DVDs. The movies are too expensive. :yesnod: Have a good weekend keep cool:angel::boogy:
    I saw that :) It's all good :yesnod: You just got to love this crazy weather:nonod: I hope you're able to stay cool as well! Take care and have fun! :hugs:
    Good evening, Sea!:flowers: Hope all is well in your part of the world and that you are keeping from melting with the horrid humidity you're having over there! :yesnod: I work Saturday and Sunday I'm going with a friend of mine to look at vehicles. Have anything exciting planned for your weekend? :noidea:
    :wave::juggle:I hope you enjoyed your 4th. Did you see alot of fireworks? :yesnod: I am back to work today. I hope to see predator this weekend. do you have any plans this weekend?:):boogy:
    Cool that you were able to go out:yesnod: Our weekend was good. We watch the fireworks from my back yard:) How was yours? How have you been? :hugs:
    So were you able to go out to dinner? :noidea: Hopefully they were fun errands :yesnod: The weather here has been weird... Take care, hon and I hope you have an awesome rest of the week! :hugs:
    I am trying to stay cool!!! I have to pick up school kids for the summer. Chicago has a complete school year for some students. I thought I would get a short breather from them , but I was wrong.:rant: I hope you are enjoying your summer.:yesnod::) I hope you don't have to work hard like me!!!:prey::peace:
    :itsme: Hi Sea, I hope all is well with you!!!:yesnod:Have a good week:)
    Just "ok", huh? Hopefully everything is ok. :yesnod: Things here are good. :) Weather has been weird here, as well.:ohwell: Any plans for the coming week? :noidea:
    :yesnod:All is well. I was invited over a coworkers home. I may go there or visit my parents. I am going to see fireworks in Indiana:yesnod::boogy:I am excied about that. I love to watch fireworks. :target::rockon:
    Hi It is very warm in Chicago. I hope you are staying cool. Do you have big plans for the 4th of July?:yesnod::boogy:
    It's 3:33am central time and I'm still awake & have to be at work at 9am...:faint: I hope you enjoy yourself this weekend and that it's not too hot where you live. :yesnod: Take care :) :wavey:
    :wavey: Ready for an exciting weekend? How was your holiday? :rapture:
    :wavey:Thanks for stopping by! Hope all is well in your world and have an awesome day! :yesnod: :wavey:
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