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  • Hi SEA :juggle: I have not tried a cane. The hospital gave me crutches. I walked on them better because the doctor put them at my height. It was easier to handle.:clap:I like any college team that can win!!! My favorite team is Duke. I try to keep it on the downlow my Dad hates Duke. I like kentucky also. My favorite NBA team is the Spurs. I try to keep up with the games. My schedule has been hard.:rant:
    I haven't watched The Newhart show in years. I love to go downtown to Michigan Ave. All the shop and scenery is cool. You should see it at night I love the lights. Chicago look beautiful when the Hoilday light s are on display!!:clap::) You would love Chicago!!! There is always something to do. By the way, where are you from?:peace:
    :juggle: Hi SEA, yes I use epsom salts. My foot hurts sometimes.:cry:Chicago is getting warmer a whopping 60 degrees!!!:clap: It has been :rainme: It clears then the sun comes out. I still refuse to take all my winter clothes off yet. It will be 80 Saturday.:sad: sorry about your parents. I am glad the accident didnt cause any bodily harm. Also glad the guy has insurance. UCONN won the Final monday night . I was so surprised.Do you have to use a cane sometimes. A friend of mines gave me a cane. I hope I don't have to use it as a crutch. Have a good wekend.:peace:
    Hola sea! :hugs: I'm glad you've been good, altho, sometimes it's nice to be naughty...:wink: :yesnod: Got to love income tax return time! :lol: My oldest graduates hs in 2014 and my 2nd oldest graduates 8th grade this year. Time is definitely flying! :sad: Not sure yet about summer trips, may just be day ones within a couple hours of home. Do you have any plans for the weekend or upcoming week? I hope you have an awesome weekend! :teeth: :rapture:
    :wavey::high5: Hi Sea, No:nonod: my ankle is not 100% yet. There is still some soreness and it is swollen. I soak it a lot .:) Sorry about your foot. Does it still hurt? It is starting to get warmer here. 50 degrees with lots of sun. Have a good weekend:peace:
    Hellllllloooooo, Sea! :wavey::hugs: How have you been: :noidea: I've been busy with my girls, with the school year almost at an end (less than 8wks left), they have a lot of school functions and such to attend or perform at. What have you been up to? I'm sorry I haven't been around much. :sad:
    :hello: Sea,:) My doctor released me to return to work Monday. I have to go downtown to have my job's doctors check me out. There is still a little soreness but I can walk on it. I had a pedicure yesterday and the young lady rubbed my foot it helped some.:yesnod: I was able to start my walking routine again. Slowly but surely my ankle is healing.:clap:I can turn my thermostat on and get some warm air to blow through out the apartment. Chicago got some snow yesterday it melted by afternoon.Its been in the 30's. Do you watch basketball? I have been watching the NCAA games. I love it. Duke University lost last night they were always a favorite. Do you have plans for the weekend?:peace:
    :) Hi Sea!!!:boogy: The snow has melted is Chicago. Its :rainme: today we may get some :smow: by the end of the week. I live in a apartment complex. They have shut the heat off. I have to use lots of blankets at night.:yesnod::argh: Anyway, I am sorry you did not ejoy your meal. Actually, I like to cook my own crned beef and cabbage or eat my moms!!!:clap: I couldn't do anything too much for Patty's Day, I fell and sprained my ankle. I am off of work.:rant::cry: I am sooo bored.:yesnod: I hope you have a good week.
    Sorry Sea!!! I must stop getting up so early to go on the internet!!! I posted your response on my page!!!
    Hi Sea!! :girlhi: I am not Irish. I just have a irish last name. I would love to go to Ireland. I love the scenery and the accents. I would love to find out more about the history of my last name. Anyway, I saw the movie Number 4. It was a good movie.:) I have not rented any movies lately. I would like to see Unknown. I was told it's a good film.:peace::)
    Good morning, Miss Sea! :wave: I'm tired of winter, too! :yesnod: Hope all has been well in your part of the world. What have you been up to? Anything new and exciting? :noidea:
    :girlhi: What's up Sea!!! I'm sorry you didn't go out with your mom.:cry: You and I have similar taste. I love seafood and Chinese.:yesnod: I like cooking veggies like Greens and cabbage. I just had some Corned Beef and Cabbage. I guess I was getting in touch with my Irish side. I haven't eaten Corned Beef in awhile. I like to try new recipes.:) I am also a sweet eater. I love snacking on popcorn.:yesnod: How about you? Do you have a favorite snack?:yesnod::peace:
    :hungry: Hi Sea, Ruby Tuesdays have good burgers. Chicago got 1 inch of snow today. The sun came out and melt most of it away.:clap: Do you like cooking? I love to cook.:) It keeps me from being tempted to eat out all the time. I had Subway today. I haven't had a Subway sandwich in a year. I have a taste for Chinese. I may order some next weekend. Have fun with your mom. :peace:
    Hi Sea!! :hello::lock1:Chicago has a new mayor!!! Emmauel Rahm. He is Jewish. Mayor daley has retired. I know you would not know about our Mayoral Election. It has been a long time. Mayor Daley was a second generation Mayor for many, many years. It is still cold in Chicago. We are suppose to get rain and 40 degree weather tomorrow. I hope you have a good week.:yesnod::peace:
    :wavey::lollypop: Hi Sea!! Chicago has 60 degree weather. The rain has washed away the snow. :clap: I was watching Secretariat Sunday. I could not finish. I had to go out. You will love it . :) I enjoyed what I saw. I am thinking about buying it. I am going to see I am Number Four. It starts Friday. I am off Monday I have a three day weekend.:clap: :peace:
    :music::lollypop: Hi Sea. Its suppose to warm up the weekend. Some of the snow will melt. You have any lpans for your weekend?:):yesnod:Have a good weekend.:peace::boogy:
    Hi Sea!! :girlhi: Its very cold in Chicago about 10 degrees it will get colder tonight.:rant::cry: I have to wear layers of clothing to keep warm.:yesnod: I hope you are keeping warm!!!:yesnod::peace::boogy:
    :wavey::lollypop: Hi Sea!!! My father is a steak man. He wanted to go to a steak house. The place was too busy and we didnot make a reservation. So, we went to Red Lobster. It was nice. Chicago got another inch of snow yesterday. Flurries were happening this morning.:cry::rant: It's suppose to get very cold about 4-10 degress.:yesnod: I don't really get involved in the superbowl. My co workers had a big party. They do it every year. I hope you have a good week.:peace:
    HI Sea!!! :hug: Yesterday and today snow is expected.:rant: We did not get any yesterday. I hope we don't get snow today.:yesnod: Chicago still has piles and piles of snow. The rodes are clear. I went out with my parents yesterday. We celebrated my father's birthday. He is 68 today!!! :) Are you a football fan? Will you be watching the game? Have a good week!!!:peace:
    Hi Sea :hugs: We definitely got hit with snow here! :yesnod: Roads have been closed off for 3 days to here with outside country roads being only one lane, in the middle of the road. Kids have been home since Tuesday afternoon. Hoping they can go back tomorrow, but I guess we shall see.:noidea: Tired of winter yet? I am!:toetap05::ack: What's new in your world? Have plans for the weekend?
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