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  • It's not really a crappy mood, but the only emoticon that I could find that realy shows how I feel... WHAT THE (insert bad word here) LOL, I am so ready to switch docs and now I have like a pneumonia kinda thing that is only getting worse, I went to the doctor, they gave me a med that made me sicker, AAAAUUUURRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
    Joyce , how ya doin today? I'm freezing my a.. off. May and we're still getting frost! Arghhhh
    :verysad: Alright, if you must! :p LOL No really, I understand--when hubby got home from work today I took a 2 hour nap :eek: I had been so tired from staying up so late but I can't help it--I am such a night owl!! :ohwell: See ya later, ya silly girl!! :alien: :slug: :rofl:

    :hug: :kiss:
    Does that mean we won't have anything to sign up for on Friday (since you'll be busy watching Grey's)? Oh, maybe I shouldn't have been so informative!
    How could you miss DH? Either you're an addict or you're not! And, it was two hours, so it would be difficult to catch you up. I think you can watch it on the computer after about a week on or something like that. I have done that out of desperation if one of my shows didn't record. Now, on Thursday, it's the Grey's Anatomy finale, so don't ask me on Friday what happened! Next Thurs. is Lost's, also DWTS ends tomorrow and on Wed...(drumroll)...they will crown the latest American Idol. Ok? Got it? Mark your calendar, girl!
    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: It's so much fun to be silly with seems like the later it gets the sillier we are!!! :rofl: :alien: :slug: :spoofee2: :marshmallow: :lock: :rofl:
    :woot: :dancing: :claps: :marshmallow: :lock: :bigok: Oh I have to throw in a slug and alien also just for laughs........... :alien: :slug: :rofl:
    :woot: I'm so glad I caught ya online! :dancing: We do have a propensity for staying up late, don't we?!? LOL LOL LOL I'm glad that you are a nightowl like us the opportunity to spend time together!! :bigok: :hug: :kiss:
    Hey, Joyce! How are you? I'm just checking out Spoofee and catching up. Want to watch some shows I taped in a little while. All my shows are going to be over soon--good--I need a break from TV anyway. Did you watch "Desperate Housewives" last night? Was pretty good. Or do you spend every single waking moment looking for freebies for all of us? LOL
    :wave: Hi sis! :like: Sorry I didn't have a chance to log on last night--miss and love ya! :hug: Hope to see ya soon! :wave:
    :wave: Hello there sis! :hug: :kiss: I hope to catch ya online soon!! :like: Miss and luv ya! :rose:
    Hope u had a nice, relaxing weekend. I am so sleepy, about to hit the sack. :yawn:

    Here's to finding lots of great free stuff this week and full mailboxes!! :cocktail:
    Joyce!!! my dear Joyce, I missed u, u know i have been a bit down n out, but I am tryna bouce back,How r u???????? Hope all is well, see u 2morrow, I hope!!!!
    Nighty night, sleep tight and have sweet :alien: :slug: :marshmallow: :spoofee2: dreams!! LOL

    :hug: :kiss:
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