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  • Oh man, I am dragging.......... need to get my butt in bed or I'll be hungover tomorrow too! :eek: :cocktail: :alien: :slug: :marshmallow: :rofl: I'll see you back in the asylum later today my fellow inmate!! :rofl: :slug: :alien: :rofl:
    :rofl: :rofl: I can't believe that I'm still on here!! :confused: :eek: :alien: :slug: :rofl:
    :woot: Good to have you back--the sanity that I've had to endure while you were gone :28: :verysad:
    Well hello there, Joyce. Long time no write. My, what a beautiful page you have. Could wake anyone up no matter what time of the day/night it was!
    Thanks for stopping by to say hello. Always good to hear from you. Not much longer for me here. TV then bed is calling. Wine hit me fast tonight! Nitey nite, my friend.
    :rofl: :rofl: Yeah, I think we both used up all of our energy last night from bouncing off our padded walls! :rofl: :rofl: :slug: :peep: :alien: :marshmallow: :lock: :rofl:
    :rofl: :rofl: I may have a few just so I can get to sleep at a decent time--damn insomnia!:rant: I know one thing I am not going to outlast you and Angel tonight! :rofl: You gals will have to hold down the asylum on your own! :alien: :lock: :marshmallow: :slug: :rofl:
    :rofl: :rofl: I'm sure she was but I only felt like I had been the night before--not fair because if I knew I was going to feel hungover, I would have gotten loaded !! :rofl: :cocktail: :alien: :marshmallow: :slug: :rofl:
    :rofl: You got that right-- :alien: eyes :slug: mind and body!! :rofl: Did I mention that my head feels like :censored: If I didn't know any better I'd swear that I was hungover :cocktail: :beer_yum: or dead! :rip:
    :rofl: :alien: :slug: We were crazy as hell last night!!! :marshmallow: :alien: :rofl: I had so much fun with you and angel!! :claps: I outlasted both of you last night! :proud: LOL However, I'm paying for it today! :doh:
    Hey Joyce! What's up? Hope you have a good week end planned. As a mother's day gift my daughter's taking me to a tea room. Should be fun. They even supply the hats. Have a good day.
    :eek: You're leaving the asylum!! :alien: :rofl: Angel and I will just have to manage on our own for now--but I better see you back in our padded room soon!! :lock: :peep: :slug: :alien: :marshmallow: We do need to be locked up!! :rofl: :rofl:
    Pogo-ed out! :mmph: My hubby was driving me crazy playing Spades -- I had important Spoofee business to handle, darnit! :rofl: :rofl:
    :rofl: You are not joking about that--I need help like "Spoofeers Anonymous"!!! :help: :34::banghead: :rofl: Hey, that would actually be a good social group to have on here!! :claps: ;) LOL

    You got some good mags--is your People subscription a freebie or is it paid? :convinced: I love People magazine!! :like:
    I bet that was alot of reading if you receive even half of the mags that I receive! LOL LOL It's nice to have all of those subscriptions and not have to pay a single dime for them! :woot: I think just about all of them I receive have come from your fab posts!! :claps: I have been on "spoofee overdrive" today--I'm so addicted! :help: :rofl: :rofl:
    :hug: :kiss: Now, what do you think?!? :tongue: Of course I did--like crazy! :60: I was starting to get worried about you!! :worry: :verysad: I'm so happy that I found you!! :like: :woot:
    :wave: Hi there sweetie! :hug: I've missed ya, where have you been young lady?!? :rant: :tongue: LOL
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