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  • :convinced: I can remember pulling that trick a few times when I was a kid! LOL LOL Isn't it funny how they always feel better once they get home! :convinced: :sus: :rofl: :rofl: Devin sounds like such a sweet little boy, give him a big :hug: and :kiss: for me! :proud:
    Oh, I hope he's okay! :worry: It sounds to me like your school loves to inconvenience people as much as possible!! :eek: :alien: :slug: :rofl:
    Thank you! We checked the box next to "handsome" on the baby order form. LOL
    :rofl: Not by choice, I assure you! LOL I'd rather be :sleep: but I'm still hacking up crap. Thought it was probably best to just stay awake and not choke on myself, y'know? :bigok: :rofl:
    Hi, Joyce! :wave: Just wanted to stop in and say HELLOOOOO! :) Sorry I haven't been around much...I ended up catching the crud, so I was pretty miserable for awhile. :( Hope you're doing well! I've missed my fellow nuts!! :hug: :slug: :marshmallow: :alien: :flowers:
    :proud: You know it--he's right here by my side and I can't believe how much he loves his walker!! I think he loves the freedom that it gives him and of course the leg strengthening benefits also! ;) :proud: :teeth: LOL
    :woot: :dancing: So happy that you're here! :proud: I just now gave him a big :hug: and :kiss: from his Auntie Joyce & he told me to tell you that he loves you!! :love: :60:
    Your prayers worked! The boys slept and were good on the flights! I gave you a "shout out" in the social group Spoofee Kids! This may increase your prayer requests! ;)
    On the behalf of the Spoofee Community I would like to thank you personally for all the help you have given us for freebies.
    I just texted him and he's all excited & yes he is a big baby! LOL LOL
    Hi Joyce :wave:
    I'm gonna give it to my husband cause he's been jealous about my Sonic toothbrush from Bzz and he's still using a manual LOL
    :rofl: :rofl: I know, I always forget to delete them before they start piling up--it's all your fault Joyce! :rofl: :slug: :alien: :spoofee2: :lock: :marshmallow: :rofl:
    :woot: I'm so glad to hear that you and yours are out of harm's way! :claps:
    :amen: I've missed ya!! :like: :hug: :kiss:
    :wave: Hi there, sis! :like: I hope everything has settled down there weatherwise!! :) Hope to chat with ya later! :hug: :kiss:
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