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  • Hey joyce!!! yes, I was at school, lol
    but I'm gettin dressed now 2 go 2 the SATC PREMIERE!!!!! hope u had a gr8 day friend!!!
    Hi Joyce! Did you have a good week end? I did. Tomorrow is the hubby's bday. got some celebratin' to do
    Good Morning Joycerrific! Thanks for the compliments on my new avatar, I think my favorite pics of her are sleeping! I decided to be selfish this upcoming school year and I am keeping her at home with me, LOL, she so darn adorable and she's my last baby, so anyway, I hope you are doing well, thanks for being the most awesome person ever! You inspire me to be good even when I feel crappy and I wanna be bad, LOL! Have a great day, Love Ya Loads!
    You are the best-est friend EVER! lol Well, Kes is kicking his legs with fury because that diaper is full. I imagine him saying in his mind "get it off, get it off, get it off, get it off." lol
    I will go ahead and change this one....take one for the team!
    SSSWWWEEEEEEEETTTTTTT!!!!!!!!! lol My Mom totally spoiled me taking care of him in the mornings so I could sleep in while we were in Ohio. I told her I would be able to get so much done if she came and did that every morning here in Florida. :convinced: Is it a crime to kidnap your own mother? lol
    He is sitting here beside me....filling his, ummm drawers. He is waiting for
    Good morning Guru! Kesler just told me he wants you to come over and change his diaper. lol
    I am beat! We went to the beach today and you know how tiring that is, but somebody has to do it! lol Have a good night and I'll talk to ya tomorrow! :hug:
    Glad 2 hear ur ok,
    I'm feelin a lot better, got a ton of homework, but im still ion the hunt for freebies!!!
    I Just Posted A Ton Of Free Samples Yesterday.. You Should Check Them Out you might like some of them!
    So I See None Of your free time is wasted... Always trying to help other people, keep on hunting for freebies!!
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