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  • :lock: :marshmallow: :slug: :spoofee2: :alien: :peep: :rofl: Think we might be scaring some folks out there....... oh well.........we can't help it- we are certifiable!! :eek: :rofl: :rofl:
    :rant: :cussing: No, I really don't need anything and I don't want you to think that you have to give me anything! :hug: :kiss: I really do appreciate you thinking about me though!! :angel:
    :rofl: :rofl: I don't want your prizes....just like to give you a hard time! :tongue: :lock: :alien: :slug: :marshmallow: :rofl:
    :dancing: :woot: Congrats sis--that's awesome!! :marshmallow: :dancing: You can keep the butter, I'll take the tote and perfume! ;) :p LOL No really, I am so happy for you!! :marshmallow: :proud: :dancing:
    :hug: :kiss: See ya later, sis.........he's taking a nap so I'm going to sneak one in. :creep: :sleep: :)
    :teeth: Well, now that you mention it.......I need a gallon of milk, loaf of bread, a dozen eggs............ :tongue: LOL I'll see you later gator! :teeth: :hug: :kiss:
    :doh: Our mailman never gets here that early! :28: LOL I think he stops for a few :cocktail:s along the way! ;) :confused: :ignore: :sus: :convinced: LOL
    LOL LOL You are really gonna have your hands full! :34: LOL I bet they are so excited!! :claps: :)
    :hug: :kiss:I already did, I'm one step ahead of ya! LOL Yeah, no kidding about how time flies, it's almost scary how fast it goes especially when you have little ones. :worry: :ohwell: I'm just trying to take it one day at a time and relish every precious moment! :proud: :)
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