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  • :) Hi sis, sorry I've been away for a couple of days. I have been so busy but have missed you terribly! :verysad: Love You! :hug: :kiss:
    :rofl: Oh my dear friend - I dont cook! :rofl: That is what my husband is for! ;)
    Seriously, I hate cooking; I can cook and do a pretty good job, I just dont like to. AND my husband is a fabulous chef - he should have went to culinary school. When we have parties we are the perfect pair - he cooks everything and I do the presentation. But that was the deal when we got married - He cooks - I clean. :bigok: And when I do cook (other than breakfast) - I run out and get a pizza! LOL
    Oh, okay. It was more like a wish for me to go. lol We have had a good day together, we just didnt go to the beach, although we could have, it is SO hot!!!!
    The beach? Was I supposed to go to the beach today? Does my husband know this? Who do you know? Who have you been talking to?
    Right after I made the previous post last night, I fell asleep - half sitting up, laptop on lap and fingers on the keys (in correct position I might add).......:yawn: waiting for Kes to finish his bottle and then we will snuggle up and go back to sleep.....:yawn:
    Consider it a blessing that you missed out on movie night - the movies sucked! lol
    And what time is our lesson tomorrow? I sure am sleepy.....:yawn:........
    Hey girl. Today was busy. After church we went out for lunch, and then when we got home I took at nap (since I had been up since 5:30) and then friends came over for "movie night" and they just left. :yawn: I am exhausted! Hope your Sunday was great!
    I am everyone on all 10 pages, didn't you know that I get around??????????:lie::lock:
    Mine just started, not doing anything special but it's nice to relax! Have a great weekend, and I'll see you around sweetie! :hug:
    What are this kids doing this summer? Do kids in your area go to camp?
    Free? You frugal stinker! I should have known better than to take a client from a freebie/deal site! ;)
    Kadin is really into Marvel Comics right now (Spider-Man, Hulk, Iron Man, and all 500 of the other ones.) His Daddy told him that his Mama has super-powers too......

    that will be $4.99 please
    I am not only the only female in a house of males, but all of three of them are characters!
    Perfect excuse one day when they are older....sittin with their daddy and male bonding is going on (burping, farting, wrestling) I can say "Ok - Girls day out - I am going to the day spa!"
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