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  • I would be excited to start my summer vacation also, they relly get out early. The kids around here don't get out for 2 weeks. I guess you guys don't have as many snow days to make up for. Good luck with all the critters around 24/7. :)
    Hi Joyce, Sorry I missed you this morning, I stopped in really quick and had to get out of the house. How was your day today sweetie? :)
    Thanks! I have two boys already, and two girls. THe boys are the oldest so it's been awhile since ive done the boy thing!
    :rant: :cussing: Will you please clear out some space in your pm inbox, I can't pm you!! :verysad: :rofl: :rofl:
    :woot: That's right--are you ready for the challenge?!? :tongue: :rofl: :rofl: :lock: :marshmallow: :rofl:
    :hug: :kiss: I'm feeling great, how are you doing? :dancing: It's the weekend--yeah! :woot: :dancing:
    :wave: Hi there sis! :hug: :kiss: I missed you so much! :hug: :kiss: I couldn't sleep last night(as usual) so I was on here for a little in the middle of the night! :eek: LOL The baby's still taking his nap and hubby will be home a little later so for the time being I get to spoofeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...........wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee.....LOL And, no I haven't been drinking! :cocktail: LOL
    Kesler burps like a full grown man in a beer-belly-belching contest. GEESH. So I am burping him and Kad is standing here saying "Mama, he pooped....Mama, he pooped..." I was like, "ok honey thanks for the information." So I lay Kes down and peek inside, yep he has a load. I put the diaper back up over him, grab the stuff I need and as soon as I pull the diaper open again.....that lil booger peed on me! Actually I think he was peeing and I interupted. The funny thing is, he just laid there and grinned at me.....dont think he doesnt know what he is doing!
    Honestly I am tired and my allergies are acting up. Have I changed a diaper yet? :rofl: Is the sky blue baby?
    Kidnapping plot? What are you talking about? Who are you? I dont know what you are talking about.......:spy:
    Let me burp Kes and then we will move on to session 2......
    Good morning! Having a good day so far? I am glad you like your free consultation....are you ready for the next session?
    Now I am here and you are gone again!! :verysad: Hope I get to chat with you soon!! :hug: :kiss: :like:
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