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  • did mention that its free!!! lol, i found a freebie around the corner :-)

    the whispers were gr8 tho, one brother was missin but they said he was sick, they sounded got tho, ,

    i luv that song, Chocolate girl!!!! That is my song!!!!!
    I'll get you next time! :rofl: :caked::caked::caked::caked: :rofl:
    They are gonna think we are nuts! LOL LOL
    Hi joyce, my weekend sucks a little, hope ur doin well,
    the best part of my weekend is the free jazz festival around the corner, i saw The Whispers on saturday, asford n simpson yesterday, but tonight The Ojays!!! cant wait til 730
    Hi Joyce. Just checking in with all my friends. Going on a short vaca after I get moving away from my puter. Have a great weekend.
    :woot: :dancing: That's the spirit!! :claps: I'll always be here for you just like you are always there for me!! :bigok: :60:
    :hug: :kiss: Don't let those kind of people bother you, they aren't worth it!! :mmph: Just remember all of the friends that you have, everyone that I know loves you to pieces!! :proud: :60: I hate to see you down, just remember that you are an angel & that you have a wonderful family that loves you and a bunch of friends that do to boot!! :bigok: I think that you are one of the most wonderful people I have ever known!! :hug: You are a complete angel!!! :proud:
    :wave: Sorry that these messages are getting to you so late but this site is running so slow for me right now! :rant: Are you having problems w/it or is it just me? :worry: Hey, let me know what's wrong - I'm worried about you!! :hug:
    :verysad: Looks like while I was logging off last night you were logging on! :( :convinced: I just couldn't keep my eyes open any longer last night, I did get a good night's sleep though!! :teeth: I really hope to talk to you online today, love ya!! :hug: :kiss:
    :rant: Okay, where are you hiding?!? :peep: :spy: :alien: :slug: :spoofee2: You know I'm just teasing you! I'm going to be logging off here in a bit, if I can't get to sleep :rolleyes: then I will be back on. LOL LOL Love ya :hug:
    :eek: Run for cover, Joyce!!! :eek: LOL I'm sorry that I missed ya earlier, hopefully you will be here keeping me company tonight!! :like:
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