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  • The video for the Schick Trimmer was great. We had a lot of fun with it. Best freebie in a long time!!! :bigok: Very fitting that it was posted by you! :hug:
    :banghead:I guess it's beyond me, :34: I can't change a thing! :verysad:
    Hello there Joyce! Been awhile since we've chatted. Been too busy on this end! lol I want to know what your tricks are for HP! You get in on almost ALL of them! I want your info lil' missy! I'm On to ya! lol
    I knew you'd like that signature! We are always scheming! LOL
    Did you hear anything back from MarieClaire yet? LOL
    :hug: :kiss: I missed you too! I didn't have a chance to log on last night, baby's been a little fussy! :worry: I am taking him to the doctor tomorrow afternoon. My mil's over here right now, seems like either my mom or mil are always around helping out (especially when hubby's at work).......they refuse to take no as an answer! :rolleyes: I'm going to have to log off in about twenty minutes or so...........the mil is driving me up the wall!! :28: :verysad: :p
    can anyone explain to me what and how the "reputation" is on our avatar pages by the posts. Thanks
    :wave: Hey there sweetie pie! :60: :kiss: Hey, always remember that I am older than you, not by much but still older! :verysad: I'm probably going to end up in the old person's home before long at the rate that I'm going!!! :eek: :rofl: Hope to see you soon and your nephew sends you bunches of hugs and kisses!! :60: :angel:
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