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  • Hey I never thought of trying it out on him... that's a good idea LOL
    That sucks! You don't know anyone that can take a picture and email it to you? :verysad: Sorry honey :( If I could help I would. I want to let you know that i'm out of here in about 2 minutes :yawn:. Thanks for finding me tonight :hug:
    I did have a nice day. Things are a little crazy. I put 40 + things on ebay last night. I hate doing that, but you gotta do what you gotta do! :)
    Just wanted to stop in and say hi! :wave: I doubt I will be on the games tonight--too much work to be done. :flybye: It has been monday ALL day today for me!! U get any good mail today?
    I love ya Joyce :like: but I can't give this up :tongue: I love it! Except for the lipstick, it's not really my color LOL. I hope u get one too :)
    Our weekend was really busy - I am glad it is over - Monday's are my favorite! My babies are good. We are going to the beach for a cookout here in a bit and Kad wants to fish! Kes is the happiest baby I have ever met. He is always laughing and cooing and smiling! Well, unless he is hungry! lol
    Please edit your posting about the camera from HSUS. The camera is part of a project and will only be sent to those who agree to complete the work. Please add this to your post- as it stands now the post is misleading.
    Toot works for me!! I love your nicknames you give people!! I hope you had a great weekend!! It has been hot and muggy here. I live in Seminole Fl. Better known as the Tampa Bay area. Have a great day Joyce!
    Thank you! For stoping the running puppy parade and for the compliment. You were my inspiration. I didn't realize we could pimp them out until I visited your and found it so cool!
    Too....many.....puppies......flashing.....too......quick......slow........down.......please!!!!!!! :confused:
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